‘Vintage’ is right up there along with ‘homemade’ and ‘amateur’ when combined with ‘porn’ to form popular search terms. But while there are countless ‘homemade porn’ and ‘amateur porn’ pay sites, blogs and tube sites, ‘vintage porn’ is more difficult to cater for.
There’s an obvious reason, new porn can’t be produced that is genuinely vintage, but what about vintage images that weren’t porn but still include nudity?
We have just launched RealMilitary.com (full announcement post here) and a fair amount of the site is built up of, and will continue to update with, vintage military photos with German soldiers from WW2 in various states of undress in 100% real, grainy black and white images.
Is delving into history one way to breathe new life into a porn industry saturated with seen-one-seen-them-all photos and videos from the last ten years?
Last night I sent out a mailer, which included some of these vintage images, to our members and ex-members from our other sites. The high number of sales (though it has to said from a high quality sample of paying subscribers) fills me with some optimism that ‘vintage’ is an area worth considering.