I come and go with Yahoo groups.
Sometimes I post my new releases.
I haven’t been there for a while, and when I go searching, I can’t find a lot of my old favorite group from over the years.
I don’t understand where a lot of new groups come from. Some kind of webmaster is putting up equivalent of FHG or TGPs, to drive traffic.
Do you guys work the Yahoo groups?
Re: Yahoo Groups
[QUOTE=nickbaer;17262]I come and go with Yahoo groups.
Sometimes I post my new releases.
I haven’t been there for a while, and when I go searching, I can’t find a lot of my old favorite group from over the years.
I don’t understand where a lot of new groups come from. Some kind of webmaster is putting up equivalent of FHG or TGPs, to drive traffic.
Do you guys work the Yahoo groups?[/QUOTE]
i did and had 20K members, my groups got whacked just a few months ago, that is the sad story of yahoo groups, but i worte a tutorial on how to mke successfull ones it’s on a different board, let me get the link 
Re: Yahoo Groups
here is the link to my tutorial http://adultnetsurprise.com/zones/newbie/tutorial_buildingayahooadultgroup.phtml hope it helps some was a lot of wrok when i did it 3 years ago lol