workshops in own forum

when we did workshops in the main forum, the thread stayed nice and busy, but several community members wanted the workshops to be in their own forum AND each person to have their own posts, so we said let’s try it.

so far, the results aren’t too encouraging. i posted an announcement in both the main and blog forums. while a bunch of people told me they were interested in a wordpress workshop, and several said they were interested in learning to set up wordpress, i seem to be the only person actually doing an installation who has posted, although several people with experience have given some very helpful tips.

any thoughts about this?

Re: workshops in own forum

I think maybe the subject isnt as popular as the last workshop. I saw it but I dont really use wordpress much these days. If you think about it, most people will do freesites but less people will do blogs.

Re: workshops in own forum

interesting that you should say that - i know more webmasters doing blogs than freesites, and of the people who responded to what workshops they’d like, blogs comes up a lot.

Re: workshops in own forum

I think this WP workshop is a great idea, but it’s taking me longer than I hoped to get the domain/hosting etc organised, as the host I deal with contact guy is on holidays and won’t be home till mid-next week.

Re: workshops in own forum

Yes … I rarely read anything not in the main forum on any board. Maybe what you could do is run the workshops in the main forum when they’re first started to keep them current, and then, when they’re completed move them to workshop forum so they’re easy to find.


Re: workshops in own forum

I posted that I set up

I’m using the workshop to get me off my ass and do something I’ve been meaning to do for a while - start a mainstream blog that promotes solo and condom porn (though given my preferences there will be no visible condoms on the site)… I’m not a beginner but I’m challenging myself with things like a custom homepage and the like…

Given that I’m wrestling with more advanced issues I’m not sure how much of what I’m dealing with I should be sharing with the group. I don’t want beginners to feel the conversation is too technical - things really can be simpler than what I’m doing…

Re: workshops in own forum

I may be alone on this one, but I think that running a blog is no different than running a site, in that you need to do some stuff before the install, so that once installed, you can take it to the level you want.

I think whether your hosting is ready or not, there are questions we all have, whether new or advanced, that could perhaps start the ball rolling, so that when it comes time to install, we know what direction to go into.

Such as the custom home page idea, maybe not discuss all the technical jargon, but at least they why and sort of how to approach would be informative, and helpful? :cool: