Whole Site Take Downs On Valid DMCA Claims?

Apparently some of the big copyright holders are pushing the government to force Google to completely de-index sites that have been proven to violate DMCA.


Does anyone know more about this? Google is pushing back, but for repeat offenders it sorta makes sense to me.

Re: Whole Site Take Downs On Valid DMCA Claims?

And another article on it…


Re: Whole Site Take Downs On Valid DMCA Claims?

That would be the best news lately if it happens :slight_smile:

Re: Whole Site Take Downs On Valid DMCA Claims?

Would it?

I guess it depends on the process they use. And I do not have any faith in the almighty Google’s judgement. Besides have any of the major tube sites / offenders actually been found guilty of violating DMCA?

Potentially it would only take one claim against a site and your entire business is dead.

Re: Whole Site Take Downs On Valid DMCA Claims?

I don’t think they are pushing a ‘1 notification and then Kaboom’ policy… just for chronic repeat offenders the option of having the whole site removed should provide a better stick to get rid of those who abuse the safe harbor provisions of the DMCA as a ‘get out of jail free’ card

Re: Whole Site Take Downs On Valid DMCA Claims?

Death to the pirates.

Re: Whole Site Take Downs On Valid DMCA Claims?

What G doesn’t mention is they’re getting a piece of the pie, they knocked everyone else off the block to put the tubes in first place for a reason.