Has anyone here ever had problems with RSS feeds from a sponsor in regards to the feed screwing up the format of your blog? I’m seeing this with the Randy Blue feed… text shows up to the right of the thumbnail photos instead of under them, and the video clip overlaps the blog posts underneath it. I tried it with two different WP themes with the same results.
Just wondering if you’ve see this with other RSS feeds and if so, what do you do to fix it?
For my backend development work (we RSS readers for stuff that I built), tend to strip all the HTML tags and get the content and images separately, and then reassemble them. Other people’s formatting almost always screws things up. Especially if they forgot to close a div or something like that.
Had it too, both images and text all messed up. I occasionally use it in widgets now and then for featured movies and things, but never in a post or page scenario.
Probably a good thing too with the new Google changes,
Thanks for the feedback. I’m kind of new to RSS feeds… always knew about them but never tried them. I have a few unused domains so I thought about putting up some WP blogs with RSS feeds so there would at least be some content on the sites until I get around to doing something real with them. The Gunz Blazing, Buddy Profits and Haze Cash feeds seem to be working OK. I’ll try some others this week. So far only the Randy Blue feed is causing issues.