What Steps do you Take

When going from one niche, that you know well, to one you don’t know, or barely know?

Say you were going from promoting Bears, to starting to promote Twinks, what steps would you do, if any, before you started promoting the new niche?

I guess I mean, do you research the terminology, or just gather up some sponsors and wing it?

Is there a step where you maybe check the market return, discuss it with friends, family, or a do you hit the boards, ask questions from those in that field, or what?

Re: What Steps do you Take

I think there’s a bit of psychology involved; who are the people looking at the niche you want to promote and what turns them on about it?

Then you can angle your text to suit, turn them on and hopefully get them clicking.

Re: What Steps do you Take

I often used to surf personal smaller niche / fetish sites, just finding 1 site and from there jump to the next after reading and checking the site out. You got a good picture of what a niche or fetish is about, personal sites really show it much better than a paysite. Its getting harder to do now days, there are much less personal sites around. Blogs tends to be less fetish oriented and less interesting in terms of finding out about a niche.

Re: What Steps do you Take

i don’t actually decide to promote a niche till i’m fairly sure that i CAN promote it. for niches i felt had mega potential, i’ve been known to not only spend hours on the web researching but to go to ye old circus of books and buy and read magazines about the niche, as well. and my research rarely involves webmaster boards - i’m talking surfer boards, yahoo groups, communities, etc.

a few times - notably latino dudes - if i couldn’t find any concept or terms to work with, i’ll try a board, but the bottom line for me is that if the niche is that hard to market with text, i’d probably better spend my time on another niche.

[quote=Gaystoryman;32239]When going from one niche, that you know well, to one you don’t know, or barely know?

Say you were going from promoting Bears, to starting to promote Twinks, what steps would you do, if any, before you started promoting the new niche?

I guess I mean, do you research the terminology, or just gather up some sponsors and wing it?

Is there a step where you maybe check the market return, discuss it with friends, family, or a do you hit the boards, ask questions from those in that field, or what?[/quote]

Re: What Steps do you Take

I approach things a little differently. Rather than deciding to promote a specific niche, I look at sites and how many other webmasters are promoting them. I rarely promote sites like Randy Blue because everyone is trying to sell them to get the high-paying PPS rates. Yes, $30 or $35 is a great draw, but I’d rather promote a site paying $12 or $14 on revshare that actually converts at higher rates. If I can convert a smaller revshare site at 1:300 to 1:500, I figure I’m doing a lot better than 1:2000.

So I look at the sites that I like and then see how many of them are showing up in the link lists.
