What other products do you promote?

Wondering what other products there might be to promote other than membership sites.

Toys etc never been a good seller, DVDs I cant sell as my company is based in the UK. I’ve tried spamarrest with not a single sale in 3 years and dating just as bad.

The best product that I found is fleshlight / fleshjack. But not a huge amount of sales though, but compared to the other alternatives the better one.

I know we had a thread going with Books, did anyone manage to try it out or find a sponsor to use?

Re: What other products do you promote?

I posted an affiliate opportunity with books 2 weeks ago.

Amazon.com sells my books, and Amazon.com has an affiliate program.

The Amazon.com affiliate programs (they use the term associate) are at


What I feel is a great opportunity with Amazon, is that you not only drive traffic for Books/DVDs that fit your web’s theme, but you could also earn from the customer’s other purchasers there.

My 91 book titles are at http://www.Amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw/102-3367639-9833766?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=nick+baer&x=0&y=0

They also carry non-erotic nude male DVDs - many flavors including 76 of mine


As well as erotic DVDs - but I don’t list mine there, until an amateur DVD On Demand distribution service raises its hand and partakes of that opportunity.

Re: What other products do you promote?

I blog about my Books and DVDs at


What is very rewarding about using Blogspot is that it is owned by Google, thus I get top SEO in a day or two.

(Hint to those who buy expensive domain names, and/or hire expensive third party designers who nag you and your wallet to death with little or no return - except for them.)

The other - ultimate - blog method is YouTube e.g.



Also owned by the aforementioned Google, which results in top SEO in a day’s wait.

If you’re cute, handsome, artistic, manly or otherwise have personality, you can do an on-camera video review of the Book or DVD and drive sales… using age-old theatrical methods to create a fan base yourself.

Re: What other products do you promote?

Amazon is out unless you have a non-adult property, this is from their terms and conditions:

Unsuitable sites include, but are not limited to, those that:

* promote sexually explicit materials
* promote violence
* promote discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, or age
* promote illegal activities 

I’m probably going to try TLA Video, they sell books as well. I found another book seller (GayStoryMan) actually gave me the link, but they’ve never replied to my e-mail.

I’m not fond of penis enlargement stuff because it’s largely a scam and I don’t like taking advantage of people that way.

What about other toys, Bjorn. Have you ever tried any companies? I had a branded store up with Extreme Restraints a number of years ago. I didn’t make a lot, probably $100 or so every three months, so it wasn’t a great seller, but it was better than a kick in the head.


Re: What other products do you promote?

i notice that wehovideo.com sells magazines and books, although they seem to focus more on videos. perhaps it’s possible to link directly to the books, and if you ask tom, maybe he can make a special section that doesn’t link back to the videos - for the uk guys who can’t legally sell videos to people in the uk except through shops.

Re: What other products do you promote?

Amazon certainly is NOT out of the picture for any webmaster here.

Perhaps those interested in the vast opportunities Amazon.com has to offer would create a separate website / blog just for such items, with a different domain name.

I believe Bjorn started a thread on the topic of separate sites / Domain names just the other day. The context then was: create a complex site with multiple niches, or create separate sites for each niche?

This would be a good example for doing the latter.

Re: What other products do you promote?

I work with TLA.

They have in the past carried a couple of my retail DVDs, as well as now feature 150 of my VOD titles - because I am a studio in addition to being a web. Anyone who clicks thru my sites looking for sales opportunities knows that.

As with any affiliate program, cautionary note: read the fine print about the duration of the cookie, and the “minutes/hours/days” that a surfer has to place a hard line order, in order for you to get the sale. This was an eye opening topic on CyberSocket Board 3 years ago.

http://www.WolfeVideo.com has an affiliate program for G & L titles.

A Different Light http://www.adlbooks.com/ - affiliate pgm at the bottom of the page.

Re: What other products do you promote?


Are you doing any geotargeting of your traffic? Would there be any issue with referring US traffic to a US-based DVD reseller? It seems like with the amount of traffic you have, a substantial portion of it is probably US, and there is a pretty strong demand for DVDs… our DVD sales site is growing tremendously and we are starting to take on affiliates, and I know there are others (MovieMountain, TLA, Weho) that I think have affliate programs as well.

Re: What other products do you promote?

[QUOTE=nickbaer;18207]I work with TLA.
A Different Light http://www.adlbooks.com/ - affiliate pgm at the bottom of the page.[/QUOTE]

They’re the company who has not replied to an e-mail I sent almost two weeks ago.


Re: What other products do you promote?

we primarily do our own DVDs and a selection of other videos in our store along with some other merchandise such as star stuff - problem is, we’ve been trying to get the new XCart store linked with the processor and merchant bank for… let’s see now, about three months is it Cam? so, sales have been not so great! although… customers have still been able to order and we refer them to one of the stores that sells all our stuff

we do sell a complete line of classic “pre-condom” videos - about 16 titles or so which we keep adding to -

hopefully, the store should be live pretty soon and our program back up and operational - the pre-condom stuff sells VERY WELL and is an excellent price at about $22/each for Joe Gage titles, Jack Wrangler films, etc… and we will be sending much more traffic to the store(s) once our new site goes live

Re: What other products do you promote?

Doesn’t anyone promote lube on their sites?