If you put your cursor on the affiliate banners playing on MachoMoe for RawFuckClub and BlackBreeders, the url includes “afid=CHASECOXXX”.
Who is Chase Coxxx?
Oh and by the way if Eric in Paris is on GayDemon now, he might be interested to know that his company’s videos which he’s trying to earn a living creating are all over MachoMoe - like this one I found in two minutes http://www.machomoe.com/video/18054/huge-cock-hunt.html — and his North American DVD distributor Treasure Island still maintains an affiliate relationship with them, so they can both profit from the people the site uniquely attracts because it traffics in stolen movies.
Re: What Does It Mean that the Affiliate ID for MachoMoe Is “Chase COXXX”?
So what would you guys think if the guy who ran the most popular bareback gay porn pirate video tube website on the Internet, and who Treasure Island refuses to terminate their affiliate relationship (which has been said by a TIM employee is extremely lucrative) ALSO WORKS FOR THE COMPANY?
If MachoMoe’s affiliate codes reveal that “Chase Coxxx” runs MachoMoe, here he in on Twitter talking about working for Treasure Island.
Why would Treasure Island do this? Can we all rip Treasure Island’s movies online and setup free distribution websites while earning affiliate revenue from the company?

Re: What Does It Mean that the Affiliate ID for MachoMoe Is “Chase COXXX”?
Here’s a screen cap of MachoMoe’s RawFuckClub affiliate id — who is “CHASE COXXX” ? Why does he have such a
preferential affiliate relationship that violates the terms and conditions of the program?

Re: What Does It Mean that the Affiliate ID for MachoMoe Is “Chase COXXX”?
Perhaps this is why Treasure Island and other porn companies are reluctant to terminate their affiliate relationships with MachoMoe.

Re: What Does It Mean that the Affiliate ID for MachoMoe Is “Chase COXXX”?
[QUOTE=desslock;149310]Here’s a screen cap of MachoMoe’s RawFuckClub affiliate id — who is “CHASE COXXX” ? Why does he have such a
preferential affiliate relationship that violates the terms and conditions of the program?[/QUOTE]
He’s a bareback performer with a big cock. He has a website here: Chase Coxxx
I’m guess that means he runs Macho Moe?
Re: What Does It Mean that the Affiliate ID for MachoMoe Is “Chase COXXX”?
I think it’s safe to say that he does run MachoMoe, especially since on his Twitter account he gripes about having to respond to take down notices.
Buy hey, with his stolen videos tube site he earns money by freely distributing movies from the companies who paid him earlier as a model. Per his IAFD bio.
So is anyone participating in Treasure Island’s affiliate contest? They’ve released some great videos lately. In fact, I just watched a full scene from MECOS on MachoMoe for free. Am I wrong in thinking that every other affiliate in TIMrev’s program is at a structural disadvantage because they are not operating a tube site that traffics in full-length stolen videos? To me, this is like nepotism.