I am not sure if there is a tutorial on here on this topic (searched) about the steps that you do to take the raw shot HD video to the finished web ready product. I am interested in the tools, tips, and procedures that you have found work for you. Currently I use Sony Vegas Movie Studio HD for editing. I then render as an avi file and then use Handbrake to render/encode into mp4 files for the site.
Reason I ask is that I know that there is a fine balance between final file size and quality of the image the user actually sees. I am trying to find that balance but I am not happy - Either the files is too big to be practical with a nice sharp image OR the file size is small but with unacceptable image quality.
I have see videos that are small in file size and yet look great on the screen. How you do that? Any experts care to give a mini-tutorial as I am sure that I am not the only one who is struggling with this issue and the better the quality of our product the less surfers will watch low grade “free porn” so it benefits everyone really!