We all know that the vast majority of DMCA notices are bogus, but sometimes those idiots really outdo themselves. Several days ago I received a DMCA notice from Google and the problematic URL is a tag on my blog which is named “analingus”.
This is a tag that I usually don’t use, but it appeared once on a site that I promote and I just copied it. There is only one post under that tag which promotes website Seehimfuck and definitely does not contain any content from the person who filed the dmca notice.
For those who don’t know, “analingus” means the same as rimming, but it’s more like a formal scientific term that can appear in scientific literature and is not considered obscene.
Well, somebody seems to have a site on onlyforfans that has a similar-sounding name as that tag on my blog (her account is “ana lingus”). The person who filed the dmca notice does not realize that analingus is not a word that can be copyrighted because it has a definitive meaning in English. She didn’t even bother to look it up in the dictionary…
It would be the same if somebody decided to call himself Soft Ware, and then goes on on a dmca spree and starts filing dmca notices to all sites that have the tag “software”…