The legalities of a toy reviewer

This is a bit of an unusual one but as always you guys seem to be the most informed.

We have an ongoing cross-over/marketing partnership between BuddyBate (community site) and BlokeToys (retail toy site).

We’re thinking about asking someone in the BuddyBate community to review toys for BlokeToys. As in, we’d put it out there that a member of the community gets a free toy every month for them to review, take pics of etc. This would then be used at either BuddyBate or BlokeToys (perhaps both) in articles to promote the products.

To clarify, this would be one person, not one person every month.

This seems pretty simple, we would want it to be honest, we wouldn’t expect them to lie about a product just to generate sales.

My question is mostly about the legalities.

I assume it would be wise to request a copy of their ID? We’re not expecting them to produce pornographic content. The pics would be about the product, the quality, the benefits etc. We wouldn’t be expecting them to actually produce media of them using it.

Do you guys think this is a good idea, bad? Are there risks we haven’t considered? Do we just need an ID to over our asses or is there something more we should consider?

It’s just an idea at the moment, but if it’s possible we think it could work well for cross-over and promotion.

As always, I appreciate any feedback.

I think its a good idea but yes you really have to make sure the person is of legal age if you are going to send out anything adult related even sex toys. Otherwise I think there isnt any issues with it.

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