a lot of webmasters i know - and not just here - go to boards or talk to friends to decide on things like prices, tours, video options. or maybe they own a tgp and ask for design ideas or do freesites and ask about the galleries. then they take the advice, come up with what something and stick with it.
i don’t understand this. not everyone has the same results, and half the people who answer stuff on boards don’t even have a site, or don’t have that kind of site. or they do, but have never tried any alternatives to what they’re currently doing.
another group gets ideas from sites they perceive as very successful. there are reasons why this could work and reasons why it sometimes doesn’t. i have a client who felt this one site was just the best a paysite could be. he wanted to do everything just like them. he talked about the site and models and admired everything. the catch is that i happened to know the site owners, and they make around $1000 a month total. and while their stuff is good enough that they should be making far more, they won’t experiment. there’s other common examples where getting ideas from other sites doesn’t work, but i know this post is getting very long…
a few years ago, most webmasters believed that trials sold much better than full subscriptions all the time. several of my clients not only started making a lot more money when they pulled down their trials, but several continued to make close to the same number of sales - i’m talking within 10%. sure, some people didn’t have that result - but enough did that it is certainly worth doing at least a couple hundred sales with trials, a couple hundred without and then tracking those 2 groups of members to see the ultimate totals as well as keeping track of how much traffic went to getting each group. it’s better to do that with more sales - 500 each - but i know some people are insecure, and 200 each should give a good indication.
then there’s things like text sizes, what phrases lead to more sales (it’s not always the same phrases that lead to sending more traffic) and so on. the list goes on and on.
so… do you decide what to do and stick with it or do you try various options?