There is an increasing number of threads showing up, in many forums, about stolen videos and such in blogs, sites, etc. and the stock answer is always to have the sponsor send in a DMCA notice.
I know for legal purposes such a move is needed by those companies that host the blogs, sites, or provide some interaction with these THIEVES.
But why can’t a simple matter, be handled more effeciently, than requiring a DMCA?
For example, if I stumble across a blog that has stolen videos from one of the sponsors I promote, can I not simply inform that sponosr?
Answer is YES, but how many sponsors make it easy to do that? Which is the rub, given how most of us, myself included, are rather lazy about that kind of stuff. Our priorities are to grab some content, tools, and get them online to make a few bucks. We check the stats, and move on to hopefully cash some cheques. So why aren’t we also doing something to protect our revenue stream?
Simple submit button in all areas we visit, that would allow us to communicate a stolen site to the sponsor, would be ideal, and shouldn’t be hard to implement, would it?
The Latest Thread here on GD, about stolen videos has me perplexed. I respect Harlan, Joe and the guys from Pridebucks, but I am wondering, isn’t there an easier way for them to actively help in stopping this stuff, when it becomes mentioned on forums?
For example, why can’t they contact the sponsor directly and ask them, does this guy have permission to use that material? If they get a ‘NO’ or a “huh” then surely they can simply “SUSPEND” that account, until the site provides proof that they have permission.
Not like it hasn’t been done. Awhile back ePassporte required everyone to provide certain documents, and they SUSPENDED ACCOUNTS after a period of time, if they hadn’t provided that material. Surely that could be done in these instances, as well.
At the very least, these companies, whether a host or advertising venue, should be PROACTIVE in pursuing such claims. Maybe these stolen videos, aren’t stolen, but a few emails should solve that question, so that appropriate action can be taken. One being if found that the allegations are true, then the account can be suspended pending verification from the suspended site owner, as well as give the sponsor time to send in a formal DMCA.
Posting links on how to file a DMCA with them, whether a host or whatever, in a thread isn’t going to lead to any legal hassle, but would help the sponsor quickly address the issue.
Sponsors could also do a hell of a lot more, in protecting their own product, if they could provide a simple way for affiliates to contact them specifically about copyright violations. Simple form in the affiliates area, listing the url of the suspected items, the date, and who is making the report, could easily help them monitor their own goods.
After all, we affiliates are out there, we are doing a lot of surfing for ideas, for new language to use in promoting stuff, so it makes sense to have a simple way for us to report violations when we come across them.
Thing is though, we do alot of talking about these THIEVES, but we shoot ourselves in the foot each time, because we simply DO NOT ACT OR WE MAKE IT HARD FOR US TO ACT ON THE INFORMATION.
Simple communications with sponsors and programs like Gay Ad Pros can quickly put a dent into some of these crook’s actions. A sponsor doesn’t need any notice to TERMINATE someone who is using stolen materials, and quick heads up notice to them, can really put a crimp into this whole nightmare.
Anyhow, that’s my Monday rant. It is just so frustrating, seeing our revenues dwindle, while the goniff’s make bank.