Re: Stolen videos sold - Massive Pirate warning! (Titan, Falcon, Mygaycash, Belami…)
[QUOTE=amadmedia;67965]Please do post them. Please.
We aren’t playing around anymore with piraters on our media. We are going after them now and dropping the bomb and pursuing every legal method we can.
FREE PORN AND PIRATERS ARE KILLING US! Of course, nobody really cares but it is. I’d like to know that I can be able to pay my rent some day.
Everyone bitches, “oh, it’s the bad economy!” or “it’s summertime” or “We’re just having a slow slump this summer because nobody’s spending, wait until the winter.” BULL SHIT! It’s these damn free porn sites, it’s these bastards stealing people’s hard earned money, and it’s these content thieving idiots who think just because they’re outside the United States they can get away with it.
I’m sorry, I could be spending a half an hour working on our sites, doing 500 different things, but instead I have to send a DMCA to these pricks.
By the way, did I mention I have the flu today. Argh, I’m sorry if I offended anyone.[/QUOTE]
Most of us certainly feel the same way. However, if you get a moment, do a search on the pirated content threads here and watch how much actually gets done about it. Not much. At least, it doesn’t get vocalized here if there is anything done.
Now…there are a few sponsors like Titan Media and other organizations getting involved, but there’s a lot of complacency about it from others. It’s a very tough battle and if people aren’t willing to band together to fight multi-million dollar run illegal sites, it’s pretty hard to be victorious.
I’m just an affiliate, but these thieves are certainly affecting my income. Again, your feelings are very mutual. There doesn’t seem to be a whole lot of solidarity on this issue though and many turn their backs on it. It’s very sad, but also very true.
Thus, why some people now don’t bother to post stolen content threads. Not many people listen, or care.
Anyway…my 2 cents worth. I hope you get well soon. Take care of yourself