Has anyone been able to ever get hold of Thumblogger? There are 2 blogs which uses content from gaydemon and I emailed Thumblogger (using their provided report abuse page) 2 weeks ago requesting a site to be taken down since it uses content I own and hold the copyright for.
However I have had no response at all from them.
I just really wanted to let them know I will be bannng their domain entirely from my sites including Bestmaleblogs and removing all sites listed that are on the thumblogger network.
If they can’t be asked to answer me back, then why should I provide their network with any traffic.
Anyway, if anyone got contact details for them that works, I would appriciate it if you could let me know.
I think they are a bit overloaded. Thumblogger seems to be bigger than they were expecting it to be. They should take down stolen content, they always seem pretty legit to me. They also have a forum so if you get no joy through the reports, you can always go public on their own turf and get their attention, but they seem pretty legit so I doubt it will ever come to that.
I think i might have got it sorted, but so far they havent responded at all to any emails / contacts ive sent. And thats using their report abuse page. Pretty bad for a adult free host not to even respond to any messages… in 2 weeks!
Its a bit worring that he / they do not respond to any complaints or reports of abuse. To me that says that they do not care and allow anything on their network. But maybe im reading toomuch into it, but i would have expected to hear something from them.
Sounds to me like they get many emails of this nature I would imagine, and just file them under trash…
It is a fucking shame when you have to go public to get a response from company’s / people… I have a couple in my list right now where that option is my next move!
I would give them the benefit of doubt if it had not been their own reporting system and online form. Its not actualy even by email which could easily be mistaken for spam.
[quote=Andyr;30436]Sounds to me like they get many emails of this nature I would imagine, and just file them under trash…
It is a fucking shame when you have to go public to get a response from company’s / people… I have a couple in my list right now where that option is my next move![/quote]