Seeking Traffic Trades

We have 3 blogs that I’m looking to trade with. If you have a legal blog or tube site and wish to trade, please email me at Lisa(at)badpuppy(dot)com with your site name and url.

Our blogs are:
Smooth Hunks -
My Hard Penis -
Daily Dick Pic -

Thanks! - Lisa

Re: Seeking Traffic Trades

Hey Lisa,

I just added all 3 blogs to 101 College Boys. Please link back :slight_smile:

Other trades are welcome, too!


Re: Seeking Traffic Trades

Thanks a bunch and I’ve added to the Blogroll section on our 3 blogs as well. :slight_smile:

Re: Seeking Traffic Trades

Great thanks :slight_smile:

Btw. the blogroll on is messed up in firefox, it’s all the way down at the bottom of the page, not on the right.

Re: Seeking Traffic Trades

Hey Lisa,

We just launched :slight_smile:

We can add your blogs

Re: Seeking Traffic Trades

The blogroll is messed up on all 3 blogs I just noticed…

Re: Seeking Traffic Trades

We are fixing the Firefox issue as we speak and thank you for pointing that out.

Richard, I’d love to do a trade with you, but I’m on my way out and will need to do that tomorrow.

Y’all have a great day and evening ahead! :slight_smile:

Re: Seeking Traffic Trades

A great place to find gay link trades is Linkspun, blogs, tubes, all kinds of sites sorted by category

Re: Seeking Traffic Trades

I find that Link trades don’t help anymore and stopped dong link exchanges. The only thing worth doing is traffic trades. I would recommend you register your blogs with my 2 top lists:

Plus the standard Link / Blog Directories:

Re: Seeking Traffic Trades

Hey Richard, I don’t see that you even have a Blogroll list on the new blog.

Tom, thanks for the heads up on Linkspun! I’ll check that out!

Bjorn, we are already listed on your directory sites and I currently have no banners for our blogs, so I’ll need to get that taken care of and then I’ll register for your top lists.

Thanks you all very much! :slight_smile: