Promoting ebooks

As you might know we promote some adult fiction ebooks via one of our sites and while sales are pretty good already we’re not converting even 1% of traffic.

I’m certain there are ways to improve this and convert a larger number.

We have some banners around but there’s limited space due to existing ad positions. We also have a pop-up but it doesn’t seem to be particularly effective.

Just thought I’d ask you guys how you’d go about it and if you have any ideas?

I’m especially interested in what your landing page would look like, what style of banner or pop-up ads you’d use, and what you think is more likely to convince a buyer.

Any advice or methods to test would be extremely useful.


Do you mean a popup on the site selling the ebook? What is it offering? Could you give the first chapter for an email address submission?

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Can you show me what the site looks like to give a better idea?

Are these your own ebooks that you wrote or just ebooks made by others and promotion through affiliate program?

Yes, it’s a basic pop-up just to advertise the latest book and it links to a more thorough page listing the contents of each - we’re currently trying to hone this page to maximize conversions.

We do offer exclusive stories in installments to newsletter subscribers, with password access that we change often (to keep subs active) but it’s tricky to promote this with such limited space.

Do you think we should maybe use the pop-up to promote the free stories via newsletter and then use that as a funnel to promote the paid fiction?

I didn’t want to post the link because I thought it might seem spammy, but it’s

They are our books. All original content. We publish on Amazon in Kindle and paperback, and we offer PDF versions via BlokeToys for those who might have partners etc and are worried about them having access to a shared Amazon account.

The pop-up is a very simple plugin we had to switch to after the previous good one failed. It’s really hard to find a free pop-up WP plugin that actually works so for now it’s just basic text. Just need to point out that I know that really needs some serious work :slight_smile:


Ok, i thought it might have been some affiliate program which is why I wanted to check. You can maybe promote your stories on gaydemon if you submit stories there, I allow authors to post a link to where they can buy stories by them. However I only allow promotion by full stories published on gaydemon so not just a single chapter from a book. So if you have complete single stories you can post those with a link in the footer to where they can buy books by same author. I dont know how much you would get out of it but a lot of authors do the same.

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That’s a great option. We had intended to try that on a few fiction submission sites.
Is there a word count minimum or maximum?
I’ll knock something up when I have some extra time.