Porn Team and Feisty Media

G’day everyone, hope you are well ? We have been attempting to call and email Porn Team and Feisty Media as we have content listed still but we are getting 0 communication and reply back. Does anyone know anything or best contact route or can highlite this message to them etc ?
thanks Peter

Welcome back to the forum, Peter! Hopefully someone can help provide some information on what happened to Chris. The last time he was active on this forum was back in 2015. I’ve heard of payment problems from a couple of our other Studios/Producers we work with but I’m not sure exactly what their deals were so can’t really comment on it.

Good luck contacting them or getting paid. They list our videos on their site and they used to pay, then starting in 2015, we had to chase Chris for payment, but at least he communicated with us. After a year of chasing our payments, all payments and communication had stopped. I did email him to take down our videos, but that fell on deaf ears.

The site is still up. But who knows where Chris is and who is operating the business. Good luck finding him, but if you do find him, please post and let us all know.

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thanks everyone, i too have repeatedly emailed, and even called and left voicemails. I can see its active and live and still lists our DVD content, hence my attempted contact. Please PM as happy to share what i have and learned. regards Peter

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Here is Chris’ Linkedin page and on it, he is listed as current President of Feisty Media.

Hey David, just wondering, have you guys sent him and his host/registrar a DMCA notice? Maybe that would get their attention?

Hi Danny
We did a long time ago, but nothing happened. Again it fell on deaf ears so I just gave up. At this point, our videos are so old that I can’t imagine he is getting any sales from them. And we haven’t put out any new DVDs in a long while.

On his site, he seems to list a lot of other producers but who knows if he is paying them. Or if anyone is sending them DVDs to sell.

Chris was a nice guy, we hung out at the conventions and he was always polite and pleasant to be with. I think with all of us our business had suffered, and we all had to make adjustments, but I think in Chris’s case, the DVD market had fallen apart, and financially, he is in survival mode and struggling and taking whatever income he is earning from DVD sales just to pay his bills and he is ashamed and embarrassed to confront those that he owes money too.

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I think you are spot on with your assessment, though if Producers ask him to remove content and he doesn’t do it, that is fraudulent and illegal whether or not he was a nice guy. I happen to know he hosts with and was partnered with CJ at KJCash - if that helps anyone you may also want to try contacting them for help.

there phone lines are active too and for distribution option it now says a personal message and to contact Michael.
We have emailed multiple and called to
[email protected]
[email protected]

all do not send any return emails. It isnt hard in 2024 to reply or communicate even in a small way to say cannot help or alike. Anyone got any ideas ?

and we also emailed [email protected]

Your only course of action in my opinion then would be to DMCA them, if that doesn’t work you’d have to get a Lawyer to force them to take your content down and sue them for damages.

Your only course of action in my opinion then would be to DMCA them

I remember taking this course of action with I believe another DVD service in the past and it was the only way to get them to email me back… So its worth a go!

ok thanks everyone for the help.