pic posts to tube sites - an evolution

does anyone here remember pic posts? i always liked pic posts - instead of posting an entire gallery or site, you posted one pic and your banner. the pic was displayed with some linked text and a banner below, and some pic posts linked the pics to your site, as well. most pic posts allowed 1 post per day per webmaster, and you put their recip on your site.

and they sent great traffic.

then came tgps, which sort of progressed from backdoor indexes like thehun and sexyhungryjoes. a lot of us kept posting on pic posts till they started turning into tgps. most of the pic posts still were sending traffic, but i guess they were getting concerned about being able to compete with sites that offered links to 10 or 12 pics per click rather than 1.

over time, most pic posts disappeared and tgps started requiring more pics per gallery, and then better quality or bigger pics. soon tgps were requiring fairly high quality pics, many at a minimum of 600x800. many required a minimum of 15, some 16 or 20.

and somewhere in here, as more and more people got broadband, mgps started to spread. a lot of tgps tried offering both pics and videos, but many simply turned to mgps instead, and now webmasters who had been offering a single pic per day were offering video clips. of course, some tgps stuck to their format and continued to thrive, but others changed as their trades changed or as they wanted more traffic.

and now most surfers are on broadband and a lot of surfers are tired of clicking to a gallery to click 6 10-second clips. i guess i don’t blame them, but it was the perfect time for sites to show up that allowed you to click and see a movie without going to a gallery. and these movies are longer: instead of 10-second clips, surfers can watch a 1-minute to full length vid. without leaving the site. i can see why tube sites are so popular, and i guess we’ll be seeing tube sites change and refine, some more tgps and mgps turn into tube sites.

and i admit that i keep wishing there were still pic posts around - they never actually stopped working, and it was a lot less work to choose a single pic, a banner and some text than to choose and resize 15 pics, lay out a gallery, come up with all the other stuff - or to edit video clips.

Re: pic posts to tube sites - an evolution

agreed… i miss pic posts as well…

have been searching for a good solid script that will allow me to open one up but non is out there from what i can see :frowning:

Re: pic posts to tube sites - an evolution

would you want to take submissions or just post your own? if you posted your own, you could probably use wordpress - just change it to not look like wordpress.

Re: pic posts to tube sites - an evolution

How was the pic post displayed to surfers?
Were they text descriptions or thumbnailed like TGPs?

The idea might still do well. Oftentimes we complicate things to our own detriment.


Re: pic posts to tube sites - an evolution

Google answered my question:



Re: pic posts to tube sites - an evolution

I think the modern equivalent of a pic post is a blog like http://roidsnrants.blogspot.com/ - one or two pics with a title. He could step it up a bit by making a click on the pic go to the sponsor and maybe have a call to action like “See more at SponsorSite.com”, but it’s a nice way to present single images…

Re: pic posts to tube sites - an evolution

Found the script here, but the demo button is getting redirected. I wrote em with a heads up, I’ll let you know if they bother to respond/fix it.


Re: pic posts to tube sites - an evolution

well to be honest i wanted to do submissions… but good idea with wordpress…

Re: pic posts to tube sites - an evolution

Found another one: http://www.scripts24.com/ipost/index.php

Re: pic posts to tube sites - an evolution

picture posts featured webmaster-submitted content - blogs don’t. also picture posts (see dzinerbear’s post with the url) don’t have the pics on their main page - the surfer had to click to see each photo individually.

Re: pic posts to tube sites - an evolution

See. Here we go again. We look at the pic post model as it was and not what it could be. With all the interactivity, why couldn’t a pic post site evolve into something more than just pics and banners?

How about voting? Comments? Tags? Heck, the possibilities are endless. Give a good php programmer a few hundred dollars and you can have a kick ass script that is web 2.0.

Re: pic posts to tube sites - an evolution

Now that sounds more like the Hot or Not scripts. I was toying with the idea of the picpost and combining it with a linkdump. Another thought was to do it where the submitter is giving a link that has a 1 minute or so movie on the page instead of the larger picture … kind of like the tube sites, but the person owning the site isn’t having to host the video. Anyone have interest in this, or other suggestions on how to utilize an older idea?

[QUOTE=abostonboy;18735]See. Here we go again. We look at the pic post model as it was and not what it could be. With all the interactivity, why couldn’t a pic post site evolve into something more than just pics and banners?

How about voting? Comments? Tags? Heck, the possibilities are endless. Give a good php programmer a few hundred dollars and you can have a kick ass script that is web 2.0.[/QUOTE]

Re: pic posts to tube sites - an evolution

ohh had to get the info from the wayback machine, but here was mine was doing it in 2006, script is free and great but crashed about 9mos in and i didnt bother to fix, since i didnt have that much traffic or submitters, but link in on there, well supported script, and tons of free themes. :slight_smile:


Re: pic posts to tube sites - an evolution

Ah, you were using the coppermine photo gallery to do yours with. While similar in presentation, it isn’t quite what you’d use for webmasters to submit to, I don’t believe?

Re: pic posts to tube sites - an evolution

it worked good anyone surfer or wm could upload and add a link. where is the other script i missed it?

Re: pic posts to tube sites - an evolution

ahh nevermind i saw the 2 you posted on page 1 :slight_smile: not bad, i think coppermine with my few tweaks can be more web2.0ish and fun, and more sufer post oriented :slight_smile: plus free and 1 click install on my server :slight_smile: just it crashed and i didnt know how to fix lol