Re: non-recurring trials 
I actually DO know how affiliates work.
I know that there are some really good ones (niche dedicated blogs do well, some reviewers too) and some really bad ones …( like with the dis-honest reviews - that actually ALSO looks bad on the membership site owner)
But I stick with my statement on non-recurring memberships.
Affiliates do not own a surfer forever. A “sponsor” website also runs itself - also advertises itself - also tries to make money itself. So they have the right to show a surfer that their site is worth coming back. Well- unless you as an affilate disagree with that and want to diktat (= Russian for dictate) what can and can not be done in a members area …
If every sponsor site owner only relied on affiliates for income then a lot of them would not have the money to do more shoots …
Nor should affiliates tell a sponsor how to run its business - on the “other” board - sponsors were hounded because; “how dare they?” sponsors would have a link page somewhere on their site (and no - not on the tour pages) - OR a sponsor would have a mailing list for updates - now what good is paying commission to an affiliate if they don’t use the update and your first picture can be found on page 59 of a blog???
Or a link to VOD - is another no-no - however sponsors that film - they can do whatever they want and however they want it with their material … even though affiliates are riddled with many links to about every VOD program going - by the way: the sponsors content at that affiliate site has to compete with that too. example - sponsors pictures DO appear next to VOD ads in blogs - the blog has 1 subject (1 shoot) for that picture and the VOD ad offers 1,000s of clips.
Or how well does it work to be on one of those ftp (or whatever they are called) with about 600 pictures on 1 page and 1 of these pictures is yours?
Some affiliates spend about 30 seconds putting a couple of pictures (of a particular sponsor) on a crappy page … pages that look unprofessional - so it also looks bad onthe sponsor.
Oh and sponsors have to be content with review sites doing similar sites and rating the other better …
Oh and then there are affiliates that insist on hosted galleries - and embedded video clips - so a sponsor has to make these galleries and has to host the videos on its on server … and all the affiliate then does is put 1 or 2 lines of html on a page (and I bet that is also automated nowadays) - and they won’t even have to pay for the bandwidth …
So all I am saying - some affiliates have a disproportionate view on how much a sponsor owes them …
By the way - I am not saying all affiliates are bad - but affiliates are a middleman (just to be posh: intermediate) - and sometimes forget that they never produced anything - so they don’t appreciate how sponsors need to pay for all that.
On the other hand there are also affiliates that do a very good job and deserve every penny .
But, I am also playing a little bit of devils advocate now … just to get this interesting thread to be more interesting.