No more 3rd party cookies

How do you think this will affect affiliate marketing or sales in general for paysites?

your link does not work

It should not, no? When you promote for example BelAmi, you don’t have their (3rd party) cookies on your website, just a link. When somebody clicks on the link, it will get processed by the BelAmi cookies, which is their cookie, therefore not 3rd party, so it shouldn’t change anything.

Something different is that when you have some kind of trackers on your website, they use their own cookies on your website, so they are 3rd party cookies.

should work now:

This is what I’m wondering about. Who’s cookie is it that’s set.

I mean, if the cookies are created and used by you directly, they are first party cookies, then if you have integrated aff program they should be considered second party cookies.

So even if you promoting websites and, but NATS is on, I think that and is still using first/second party cookies. I mean even if they are not now, it shouldn’t be a massive issue for NATS to change that, plus it’s not like NATS is free so…

I am not saying that I definitely do know the answer to this, but I think I do.

I see what you mean, yeah it’s hard to know for sure but what you say makes sense.

There are even better options to track the sales than cookies, so I don’t think this would change much, the porn bans will be much bigger issues.

Disclaimer, I’m no expert, but from what I understand, “third party” doesn’t mean you’re 2 steps away from the source. So, it’s not that site 1 can have cookies from site 2 once removed, but not from site 3 twice removed. The two main parties in an interaction are the user browsing and the website they’re on, that’s 1 and 2 here. A third party would be any other website or domain, party 3.

Yes, actually that makes more sense. However what he said might still hold true depending on when the cookie is set.

For example if a cookie would be set by an affiliate program while the user is on my site it would be classed as a 3rd party cookie as the visitor is on my site but the cookie is from another website other than mine.

However I think most affiliate programs will set the cookie when the visitor lands on their site, i.e. the user clicks a link on my site, they are redirected to the sponsor site and when they land on that site a cookie is set. As the cookie is from the same domain as the visitor is on, it’s not a 3rd party cookie.

The issue (I think) comes with services like ad programs which has scripts that run on affiliate sites or any site for that matter, the script loads things off a 3rd party site which will set a cookie from that “foreign” domain while they are still on the affiliate site.

I think?


I think I’ve read a dozen articles on cookies over the last month and I’m still not sure about this. I think you’re right, that would certainly explain why Juicy ads never net me anything worth writing about.