Nice PlugIn

There is a nice little plugin, titled Admin Management Extended.

First, don’t freak out, but scroll down the page to find the English Version.

Second, if you are like me, use tags for your posts, and change from one tagging plugin to another, you will have maybe lost a bunch of tags in your upgrade. This little plugin will let you add ‘tags’ to those posts, without having to edit the whole blasted post.

In short, it lets you actually make WP into a more usable CMS. You can edit authorship, publication date, add tags, all from the manage tab, and without having to manually bring up the actual post.

I am actually using it, and so far I LOVE IT! :cool:

Again you can GET IT HERE (Just remember to scroll down for the English Text)

Re: Nice PlugIn

thanks – I’ll check into it. :slight_smile:

Re: Nice PlugIn

about tags… how are tags sorted in WP? I’m thinking the tag clouds. are words / terms listed by popularity, random or?

Having issues with the tags on gaydemon (movable type) and i cant understand why its not possible to do a random list…

Re: Nice PlugIn

[quote=gaydemon;12820]about tags… how are tags sorted in WP? I’m thinking the tag clouds. are words / terms listed by popularity, random or?

Having issues with the tags on gaydemon (movable type) and i cant understand why its not possible to do a random list…[/quote]

For WP, the tags are based on popularity, and I use a tag plugin that lets me list the cloud as random, alphabetical, or some other way I can’t recall. You can sort by ascending or descending order, as a list or array. You also can determine the length or number of tags, separator, etc.

The actual ‘tag’ feature in WP, without a plugin sucks. There are a fair number of tag cloud plugins that do the same as the one I use.

You can also set the color, the min posts before being shown, the threshold level I guess it would be.

Re: Nice PlugIn


I can do soemthing very similiar, more or less anything in way of sorting etc. But just not random which is a real pain… unless i missed something.

[quote=Gaystoryman;12821]For WP, the tags are based on popularity, and I use a tag plugin that lets me list the cloud as random, alphabetical, or some other way I can’t recall. You can sort by ascending or descending order, as a list or array. You also can determine the length or number of tags, separator, etc.

The actual ‘tag’ feature in WP, without a plugin sucks. There are a fair number of tag cloud plugins that do the same as the one I use.

You can also set the color, the min posts before being shown, the threshold level I guess it would be.[/quote]