New ZBuckz design

It’s been a bit of a vanity project, but for the last 10 years I’ve wanted to re-design the homepage of but it always got put on the backburner as we’ve always had never ending big projects. One good thing with being at home more means that we finally have time to go in and spruce up things that have taken some neglect over the years. Anyways, we are still doing some tweaks on the final design but overall I think it’s the fresh modern look we needed. I checked and the last time the site was redesigned was way back in 2006 LOL! Take a look and let us know what you think!

We are also looking at doing an affiliate promo for October so if you have any ideas of what would motivate you to sign up or give our sites a try again, please let me know!

I like it! very modern and appealing

Thank you!

We are getting some fun avatars made for all our staff for the “Contact Us” page, hopefully that will give it a bit more personality. :stuck_out_tongue:

Looks great!

Thank you so much!

We are actually releasing a new affiliate promo in October for to coincide with our hot new Halloween Zombie movie, 100% on all weekend sign-ups in October. Every Webmaster will automatically be entered into this promo. I’ll do a post about it early next week.

That’s awesome, thanks!!!

Looks good - and any extra promotion for PETER FEVER would be even better!!!

Yes, the PeterFever promo is ready to go, starts this weekend!