Re: New website “Hot Doods”
[QUOTE=Seth;93192]When I first read some of the responses here regarding the name “dood” I couldn’t help but chuckle a bit. When I first saw your avatar, I seriously thought it read “Poop Films”. I think it’s the font. The "d"s kind of look like "p"s at first glance.
Are you going to feature solo guys only? If yes, that could be a very tough sell. There are only a few sites I know of that do it well and even those aren’t the biggest sellers anymore. We pretty much stopped doing solos a long time ago. We’ve found they’re just not worth the time or effort.
I assume your landing page will have a more direct entrance path than it does now?
Whatever you decide I wish you the best with your new site.[/QUOTE]
Now that you mention it the font in Dood Films does make it look a bit like Poop films 
That graphic is going to be superseded at some time when I get a chance.
If you think about it, “dood” is “poop” upside down 
I do have a bunch of solo films at present and so I will start with those. Hot Doods can have duos if need be, although I have other domain names which suggest “duo” as well.
When the site starts adopting members there will be some extra stuff in the preview. Firstly, there will be a “Join” button and a “Members” button. There will be a “Featured Videos” page which will have a handful of featured videos (not surprisingly).
I know that when I go to a porn site (it does happen!) my first port of call is the “updates” page if there is one. I just want to see what has recently been added, and so that is why I give the “updates” page a high priority.
I could also have a “Models” page which I think would make sense. This is easy to do, however at the very beginning when there is only a handful of films it doesn’t make sense.
Although I could be wrong, personally I’m not keen on “Tours” and that kind of thing. When I encounter tours at websites I feel I just want to know what is actually there and not have to go through a tour which can seem like it isn’t really telling me what is there.
My own approach to a porn website is to go straight to the updates page, if they have one, and check that out.
However I may be very unique in my ways