We’ve just added tons of new photo sets to our affiliate area, Feel free to download these and use in your galleries, blogging, or wherever else you can sell RealMENrealHOT!
After 2 months of going public, the site has seen relatively small amounts of traffic. The conversation rates are right on target with an average of 1:250. This is a good opportunity to jump in early to cash in!
Our Member’s area has grown with the release of a new 7000+ photo gallery. This revamp of that area now offers surfers the ability to save photos, as well as, cross-reference their favorite niche (gear, feet, pits, jockstraps, etc)
Feel free to let us know what you would like to see more of, can get that posted soon too! We have more niche material in the future.
Re: New photo sets posted! (Free porn)
any chance of getting the pics at a wider size - say 600 pixels? we make collages 570 pixels wide. also a brief model profile or description of the shoot with each set would be handy, but i can live without them.
Re: New photo sets posted! (Free porn)
The top of each photo set has a small link to “model bio”. That is a small snippet of info on each one. I’ll work on posting a photo blog with better descriptions about the shoots themselves soon.
Re: New photo sets posted! (Free porn)
thanks, but bigger pics is more important. the pics just aren’t wide enough for the collages we use.
Re: New photo sets posted! (Free porn)
Completely understand about larger pics… next time I process the 60,000 photo database I’ll pick a larger format lol. Maybe there are some “landscape” shots you can use?! I’ll see what I can do though.
Re: New photo sets posted! (Free porn)
your landscape shots are the same width as the portrait shots.
instead of doing tons of pics for affiliates to blog with, why not just do a single set per week? that’s what a lot of programs do, and it works fine for them.
Re: New photo sets posted! (Free porn)
I think the reasoning there was the fact we are new… and wanting to get a larger initial grouping to start. While we are still trying to encourage new affiliates to sign up, I don’t think we would get as much attention with only a handful of shots.
Hopefully as we get more organized, getting photos and video clips together at the same time each week won’t be a problem
Using the word “we” makes me feel like I can blame my non-existent staff for all these problems! lol
Re: New photo sets posted! (Free porn)
Oh I use the “we” all the time so I can blame some non-existant secretary for missplacing something or another. 
I do agree with Patti, weekly newsletters with just a few images / some content from a recent update is really helpful not only to “us” but I know other affilaites finds it very usefull.
[quote=realmenrealhot;37562]I think the reasoning there was the fact we are new… and wanting to get a larger initial grouping to start. While we are still trying to encourage new affiliates to sign up, I don’t think we would get as much attention with only a handful of shots.
Hopefully as we get more organized, getting photos and video clips together at the same time each week won’t be a problem
Using the word “we” makes me feel like I can blame my non-existent staff for all these problems! lol[/quote]