Re: MagicMembers for a WordPress paysite
I have to say that video was simply annoying. A bunch of flying text set to music while showing us nothing of the actual interface or possible end user experience
Actually they have a bunch of other videos on their site that go into much more detail.
Can someone, anyone, tell me how you would ever be able to the following in using WP.
- Upload a video and photo gallery.
- Have WP encode the video in various formats.
- Have WP take screencaps of the video.
- Display the photos/text from the scene on the tour servers (transparent tour) as well as in the members area.
Another Wordpress product called AdultSiteCMS ( seems to do most of these things but they get low marks for customer service on other boards.
…you seem to be wanting to do things on the very cheap or free
Well duh, Michael, of course I’m trying to save money with a paysite idea I’m thinking about launching so I’m not sure what your point is. If you’re suggesting I buy the most expensive CMS, bill processing, hosting, etc. available and this will guarantee success, well, I’d like to get some of whatever it is you’re smoking. There are plenty of examples of webmasters who started off small with Wordpress as a CMS or even Zombaio for processing (some are even members of this forum) and ended up doing fine. I mean, unless you’re in the 1% and have disposable income to throw into something crazy (like donating to the Santorum or Gingrich campaigns), I would think any entrepreneur would want to keep a close eye on costs.
Don’t cheap out on two of the most important things.
In my opinion the most important thing for a new adult site is CONTENT and I have no intention of cheaping out on that. In fact, that’s where I’m focusing most of my financial resources which is why every other business aspect is open for discussion. If I can safely save money in some start-up costs and pour those funds into better content, that is my preference. Perhaps others will disagree and I’d welcome their opinions.
I’ve been a member of this forum long enough to know that everybody in this biz has their own opinions and there are some strong personalites among us. In another thread people express disdain for Strongbox but I know of some very popular porn sites that have been using it for years. The same with Wordpress and Zombaio. So all someone like me can do is throw a question out there to get a sense of what people think and then balance that with the actual results of successful webmasters, other research I’ve done and my own personal experiences. If I or anyone here does not take the advice offered please don’t take it personally because all comments are very much appreciated!
In the case of this thread, comments from people who have actually used Magic Members or Wordpress as a CMS would hold more weight than comments from people who just “think” that these options are bad. To me that would be like reviewing a movie without seeing it!