mac friendly program like nifty stats?

Nifty stats is only for pc’s. I would like a program that will show my my stats and sales, etc. for all my sponsors. Even at this initial stage, it’s time-consuming and confusing to go to each sponsor and figure out what and when. If it is a free program that is better. Anyone know of something for a Mac? My iMac G5 (not an Intel processor) is OS X 10.4.11, as high as I can go on this Mac.

Re: mac friendly program like nifty stats?

StatsRemote - Great program, but they charge a fee.

Re: mac friendly program like nifty stats?

The only other free program I know about is Unified Stats, but their website isn’t loading for me: - I am not sure if they are still around.

StatsRemote is the best by far, but it costs $29.95 per month.

StatsRemote has a Mac version available, not sure about Unified.

Re: mac friendly program like nifty stats?

Thanks RawTop and Dennis.