Well, it’s 1:23am here and I’ve been dealing with server issues, site updates, filming plans, collecting models from stations, filming hot action, collecting other models from the ER / AAE department (don’t ask) and booking train tickets / flights for others since 10am… and the pile of paper / other issues to deal with continues to grow and grow.
This has been my regular day for the best part of 2 years and it’s time to call it a day. I have one assistant right now (excluding Lloyd who helps out all the affiliates with their needs) and so I have decided to hang up the camera and look for an excutive producer. Basically, I don’t have time to manage models, shoots and edit any more.
The door is open…
Re: Job opportunity - I am moving on!
Wow, your operation sounds a little like ours. 
Best of luck… just be really careful, and honestly, you may have better luck hiring from outside the industry. I’d suggest being very clear with what sort of behavior/professionalism is expected (whatever your particular requirements are)
Also, this will sound ageist, but comes mostly from AJ, who is 24, and who has more than I been disgusted with the lack of worth ethic… don’t hire anyone under 30 who is gay
(That’s tongue-in-cheek, but there’s a lot of truth to it.)
Re: Job opportunity - I am moving on!
Is this based in Plymouth?
Re: Job opportunity - I am moving on!
Sounds like fun to me
but i am not UK based, but fuck hit me up i have to talk tommorow about a different opportunity, but I need something other than affiliate work and content is my thing or was hoping to be 
Re: Job opportunity - I am moving on!
Wow thats a big step!
So what will your role be now instead? What exactly are you then looking for?
Are you not worried that by letting go the same feeling, the “blake mason” type of videos / models will no longer stay the same?
I had come to a similiar point a couple of years back with gaydemon, but rather than letting someone else take over ive managed to find several people to help me out with certain parts of my work, moved from doing everything myself to instead being the central part that puts it all together. It is often though neccessary to take that sort of step, to be able to move forward also realize your own limitations and get more help.
The difference with me I guess is that I love what I do, I love gaydemon and gaydemon is me. So for me it was more about getting some help rather than letting go.
[quote=Adam Mason;13083]Well, it’s 1:23am here and I’ve been dealing with server issues, site updates, filming plans, collecting models from stations, filming hot action, collecting other models from the ER / AAE department (don’t ask) and booking train tickets / flights for others since 10am… and the pile of paper / other issues to deal with continues to grow and grow.
This has been my regular day for the best part of 2 years and it’s time to call it a day. I have one assistant right now (excluding Lloyd who helps out all the affiliates with their needs) and so I have decided to hang up the camera and look for an excutive producer. Basically, I don’t have time to manage models, shoots and edit any more.
The door is open…[/quote]
Re: Job opportunity - I am moving on!
I don’t see it’s a problem maintaining the same style. It is just a case of continuing with the same shooting and lighting techniques, the same or similar location and usual type of model. A good person will be able to match that.
Re: Job opportunity - I am moving on!
I could see it being a problem, not to cause conflict, but it would have to be the right person who wants to learn, and not take over. More of an apprentice I would think 
Re: Job opportunity - I am moving on!
By the sounds of it, training someone up and teaching them video productioin is the last thing Adam needs 
If you look at a particular TV show (Property Ladder for example), it looks the same every week but the production team varies.
Re: Job opportunity - I am moving on!
Yep, Plymouth, UK!
Re: Job opportunity - I am moving on!
I see both sides here. A lot of our video content is now shot by Pat, our full time editor/videographer and there’s a slight difference from when it was just AJ and I, but it’s still fundamentally the same. If anything, it’s better 
We were lucky in that Pat was already technically competent, having been to film school and done a number of his own films before coming to work for us, but had no experience in porn. I think that was to our benefit, as we were able to work with him and help him learn how we work with the models, the technical aspects of shooting style, lighting, etc, as Gary said.
In porn, so much of what the performer does or doesn’t do (and how the scene ends up) has to do with how the performer interacts with the production team and how comfortable/relaxed he feels. I think if Adam is able to communicate to whomever he hires about those sorts of things, the quality of what is produced by the new person will be equal.
Re: Job opportunity - I am moving on!
That’s true. Sometimes you see a model unsmiling and looking bored in one shoot. Then like a completely different person in another.