Hello guys,
My name is Jay and I am a cam male performer/webmaster and I just launched my new paysite called jBehind.com. I do this more for fun and at the same time I like to learn more about this kind of business, which is why I actually do it myself.
I had other sites before, but always used wordpress which is not that good unless you have a script to handle the user accounts or you must create two separate wordpress sites, one for the tour and one for members area due the way that CCBill htaccess script handle the user accounts which is really time-consuming maintaining and updating both sites.
The new html website is created and maintained entirely by myself from scratch.
Website: http://jbehind.com/index.html
Affiliate Program: http://jbehind.com/affiliates/index.html
I will also post the updates on the Affiliate Content forum.
Have a look and let me know what you think.
Thank you in advance!
Off topic: I also run a succesful London escort Directory called LondonEscortPost.co.uk and a new transexual website called TrannyAppeal.com
Re: jBehind.com Affiliate Program
I’m self run too, I like your londescortpost design.
FYI your wordpress problem… Just get membership software to go within the Wordpress install, a plugin from the same software but to protect the WP pages.
The databases are integrated; and the WP plugin would close down the ability to sign up to WP without the membership software, I say it generically because theres quite a few to choose from
If you fancy throwing up a links page on there though I would exchange banners / affiliate 
Re: jBehind.com Affiliate Program
Wordpress is a terrible idea for pay sites. Very easy to hack and pages load slow. I recommend a CMS designed for adult sites.
Re: jBehind.com Affiliate Program
I’m self run too, I like your londescortpost design.
FYI your wordpress problem… Just get membership software to go within the Wordpress install, a plugin from the same software but to protect the WP pages.
The databases are integrated; and the WP plugin would close down the ability to sign up to WP without the membership software, I say it generically because theres quite a few to choose from
If you fancy throwing up a links page on there though I would exchange banners / affiliate 
Hi Joshua, well I tried many options but I am let’s say a bit old fashioned and I prefer the basic simple system. However I love to use wordpress for any other projects of mine.
If you wish you may post your website and services on London Escort Post website.
Does not matter if you are not in London I will approve your ad even I only accept London related ads.
Amasing number of videos on your website.
Good luck with your website, you are doing a great job.
Re: jBehind.com Affiliate Program
I don’t know about hack (for small websites is ok) but when it comes to speed wpengine will speed up your site, wpengine is the best host I used for my wp sites.
Re: jBehind.com Affiliate Program
WPEngine lists video streaming as a violation of their AUP. Be careful, you might wake up one day with no site.
Re: jBehind.com Affiliate Program
Well I did not know that, thank you for the info, I now have the html site with hostgator. What I like about the new site is that I am in complete control and I have all my site saved on my pc as a backup and if something happens I just simply upload it in a few minutes.
I like your site StockyDudes 
Re: jBehind.com Affiliate Program
Word press is not a good idea for paysites but at the same time for small operators and single person sites it’s difficult to afford bigger and better solutions.
Re: jBehind.com Affiliate Program
There are still other options. Even a budget Adult CMS is better than a WordPress install.
Re: jBehind.com Affiliate Program
Your CMS is $399 a month. Hardly ‘Budget’
Re: jBehind.com Affiliate Program
Wordpress is good to start with and then when you get some income from the site change to something better.
Re: jBehind.com Affiliate Program
I agree with you this is not a solution for small websites and newbie paysite owners.
Re: jBehind.com Affiliate Program
Properly managed it would fine.