How many daily update for a good blog?

Lets say you have no limits, you have the resources to post whatever you want and in what quantity you want. What’s the right number of daily posts?

Thank you.

Re: How many daily update for a good blog?

Frankly I don’t think there is a ‘right’ number.

I’d post and keep an eye on how often GBot shows up to check it, the more it shows up, the more you post, so it shows the activity, but I think it can be overdone too.

Just my opinion, but I think it depends a bit too on your traffic, surfers, and content. Too many new posts will drive older one’s down, so if your traffic seems to peak at certain points, I’d add a post just before those peaks to give them new stuff, keeping in mind not everyone surfs every day or every hour.

my 2 cents :cool:

Re: How many daily update for a good blog?

i update my blogs 3 times a week… :slight_smile:

Re: How many daily update for a good blog?

I update 3 times a week also

Re: How many daily update for a good blog?

I update my new blog 5 times a day!