DonMike posted this over at GWW, and I thought it was important enough to repost here.
Hi guys. I saw on another board some info about a site that is charging for memberships yet all the content is stolen from our sites. It’s called
Look to see if your stuff is on it and if so, here’s what you can do.
The name of the company is Mash & New Ltd.
The payment processor they are using is
Contact Kristie at [email protected] with links to each of your pirated videos and copy the email to [email protected]. She will use this information to get segpay to drop the account. Make sure to put your proper company and contact info in the email so she can contact you with any questions if need be. Their phone number is 1-800-996-0398 but I think Kristie is the one taking care of this case specifically.
The hosting company is Reflected (
They are out of Chicago and their abuse number is 1-877-888-3800 and the DMCA email address is [email protected].
I’m sure you all know how to send a proper DMCA notice. We can get this guy shut down by the end of today if we all pull together.
If everyone here who’s content is on this guy’s site contacts Kristy and Reflected asap we can get this site shut down today. I suggest we also post back here when we’re done. Then we can keep track of how many companies have complained so they can’t say they didn’t get enough response about this.
Don Mike
[email protected]
I’ve seen 8TeenBoy, PZP, and Boycrush videos and have sent emails to them. So far, none of ours but there are hundreds of vids. Looks like a combo of stolen membership site content and DVD rips.
Re: Gay Site charging money for pirated content -See if it’s yours
Deleted this site from gaydemon. I think its changed since I saw it, they started out “legal” but i guess that was just to get listed or its just too tempting to steal content.
Re: Gay Site charging money for pirated content -See if it’s yours
We are taking action right now.
Gay Site charging money for pirated content -See if it’s yours
Hi guys. I saw on another board some info about a site that is charging for memberships yet all the content is stolen from our sites. It’s called
Look to see if your stuff is on it and if so, here’s what you can do.
The name of the company is Mash & New Ltd.
The payment processor they are using is
Contact Kristie at [email protected] with links to each of your pirated videos and copy the email to [email protected]. She will use this information to get segpay to drop the account. Make sure to put your proper company and contact info in the email so she can contact you with any questions if need be. Their phone number is 1-800-996-0398 but I think Kristie is the one taking care of this case specifically.
The hosting company is Reflected (
They are out of Chicago and their abuse number is 1-877-888-3800 and the DMCA email address is [email protected].
I’m sure you all know how to send a proper DMCA notice. We can get this guy shut down by the end of today if we all pull together.
If everyone here who’s content is on this guy’s site contacts Kristy and Reflected asap we can get this site shut down today. I suggest we also post back here when we’re done. Then we can keep track of how many companies have complained so they can’t say they didn’t get enough response about this.
Re: Gay Site charging money for pirated content -See if it’s yours
merged the 2 threads, hope you dont mind. Chip mentioned your post on the other forum. But thanks for posting it here as well!!
Re: Gay Site charging money for pirated content -See if it’s yours
Thank you. I thought I posted this here but then I didn’t see the post, and then Patti sent me a PM asking me to post this here so I figured there was just a mixup. Oh well, it’s up now,that’s all that matters. Thank you very much. 
Re: Gay Site charging money for pirated content -See if it’s yours
So any word from Kristie at Segpay about this? How long does it take to check a few links and see that they are posting copyrighted content and pull the processing?!
Re: Gay Site charging money for pirated content -See if it’s yours
I can’t believe this site is still up. Does Segpay not give a shit about pirates?
Re: Gay Site charging money for pirated content -See if it’s yours
Has anyone had a update in regards to Segpay processing for this site? I couldnt see if they are still doing it or not when I visited the site.
Re: Gay Site charging money for pirated content -See if it’s yours
Don’t hold your breath waiting for SegPay. They process for just about anything.
Re: Gay Site charging money for pirated content -See if it’s yours
Somebody should talk to John at TMM/NATS. Apparently John and Charlie are the CEOs (or otherwise in charge of management) for Segpay now, at least according to John’s posting on GFY.
Re: Gay Site charging money for pirated content -See if it’s yours
Re: Gay Site charging money for pirated content -See if it’s yours
We basically had a “not interested” reply to our complaint!