Thank you, I really appreciate and understand what you saying.
I mean, the main reason I work with Wordpress is because it’s just me working on websites and my time and knowledge has its limits. Sure, the PHP is not perfect and there were/are security issues, but you could say that about everything. I mean Wordpress has been around for decades and has dedicated team that is addressing any security issues and I am pretty sure they are much better at that I ever could be.
As I said, I have been working with Wordpress since early stages and learned many things hard way and very painfully, but I always try to learn and improve.
When it comes performance and scaling it up, that’s the one thing I learned hard way and I mentioned this story before. Basically, I lost one of my first website that was quite popular because of my amateurism and little knowledge at that time.
So, although it may not be perfect, I created this website with those things in mind. I no longer use shared hostings, but I am building websites on AWS or DO, the content people upload to the website is automatically offloaded to S3 storage and served via CDN and finally, the website is build on LiteSpeed server, which is very fast.
The reason why the Page Speed Score is not so good is only because I haven’t configured and properly tested the cache plugin, so the caching plugin is disabled as of right now. I focused on modifying functionality, security, backup and content first, but I think I am absolutely ready to scale it up if the website would get popular.
I just thought that caching as of right now was not that important because the website is performing fine (at least from my view).
However, here is the screenshot of Page Speed result when I enabled caching plugin with score 94 for performance and 96 for best practices.
One again, I really appreciate everything you said and if you have anything else you would change, done differently, etc, please do let me know.