Gamma Payment Issues

Gamma cash didn’t pay my 2 last payments due since one year.
Someone has a contact please?

Do you mean Gamma cash - (Buddyprofits and Famedollars) or you meant Cammo cash as is the name of this thread?

Ah yes I see I used the wrong thread sorry.
@GayDemon Bjorn is it possible to move this thead?
BuddyProfits yes they answer my messages and when I asked for payments nobody answers since.

I’ve moved it for you. It seems odd though, if anyone been very reliable it’s Buddy Profits / Gamma Cash. I’ve never had any issues. I had a payment from them 20th Dec.

However did you respond to their KYC requirements email? If not, that might prevent any payments from being sent out.

It’s also holiday season so possible no one will respond until the new year.

I answered recently to KYC requirements yes.
No message since.
They owe me more than 5K USD now.

I would try [email protected] he usually responds quickly

Thank you I will try that :wink:

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I think the rep now is actually [email protected] but Michael is still there as well.

oK thank you Bjorn I will wait 10 days and see if I receive an answer for now :wink:

You can also try Ren on Skype live:.cid.580fbd9d6b6458b3 and Micheal live:.cid.dfe4cfc69a0f7d7e

I have to admit that it’s partly my fault I didn’t fill out the document but I’ve been working with them for 20 years…
Otherwise my banking information wasn’t up to date, but since everything is up to date, no more news.
I’ll have to be patient :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot :slight_smile:

Hey Edengay!

Ren from Gammae here :slight_smile: You can indeed reach out to me via email or skype at [email protected] so we can take a look at your account and resolve this as quickly as possible!


Hello Renaud I just sent an email to your address.