The thread about mobile traffic, and those sponsors that redirect surfers to their mobile sites, has me wondering a little.
First off, how many sponsors (Using NATS or MPA) are actually setting up their sites, to redirect traffic to their mobile version, and IS the affiliate tracking code being allowed to go through?
It seems like NATS sponsors, if they set things up correctly, can make this transition to mobile sites without affiliates being affected at all… (source)
So one has to ask, how do we, the affiliate, know if the sponsor has indeed set the tracking up correctly? Or do they even know how?
To those using ccBill, how many sponsors even KNOW about the GROUPING action, and ARE actually set up to do that, so that affiliates are getting credit for mobile sales on those redirects to mobile sites?
If the sponsor has grouping turned on it shouldn’t matter what sub-account they hit first, credit will still be given. This is why if an affiliate of ours has only ever promoted one of our sites, they’ll still get credit of the user signs up at any of our other sites. B[/B]
Course the big question is,How do we, the affiliate, know if our affiliate code is being tracked with these redirects?
Is there a way WE can actually track our own codes to a mobile redirected site? IF so, how?
It may show as a click, but you may not get credit for them going through to the mobile version. I think Ian is asking if there’s a way of checking if you have been recognised for that traffic being redirected to the mobile version?
Yep that is what I meant, if a surfer from a mobile clicks to the sponsor, is redirected to the mobile version, how do we check to see if our aff id is being tracked through? I don’t use my mobile to surf online, the eyes are too bad as it is lol
The easiest way to test is to use UNENCODED links and then go to the “home” site on your mobile, get redireced to the mobile site, then hit the join page and check source. You will see a line that says:
input type=“hidden” name=“nats” value=“likemind:mobilepps:analdiscmobi,0,0,0,0”
…you should see your username if you are using unencoded links.