Re: Flowplayer: problem with playlist on iPad
The play button is separate from the preview image. Just using css to place it on top of the player.
Here’s the code we use with the preview image with the button on top of it.
<style type="text/css">
a.myPlayer{display:block;width:640px;height:360px;padding:0;margin:0;border:6px solid black;}
a.myPlayer img{margin-top:142px;margin-left:295px;border:0;}
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<div id="flv">
<a class="myPlayer" href="" style="background-image:url('')"><img src="" width="50" height="50" border="0" alt="" /></a>
<script type="text/javascript">
flowplayer("a.myPlayer", {
src: '',
version: [9, 115],
onFail: function() {
document.getElementById("info").innerHTML =
"You need the latest Flash version to see these movies. " +
"Your version is " + this.getVersion();
onLoad: function() {this.setVolume(100);},
canvas: {
backgroundColor: '#000000',
backgroundGradient: 'none',
borderRadius: 20
clip: {
provider: 'pseudo'
play: {
url: '',
width: 50,
height: 50
logo: {
opacity: 0,
linkUrl: ''
plugins: {
pseudo: {
url: 'flowplayer.pseudostreaming-3.1.3.swf'
lighttpd: {
url: 'flowplayer.pseudostreaming-3.1.3.swf'
controls: {
url: 'flowplayer.controls-tube-3.1.4.swf',
tooltipTextColor: '#001A2D',
timeBgColor: '#262626',
durationColor: '#547db0',
volumeSliderColor: '#1a27c1',
borderRadius: '0px',
sliderGradient: 'none',
sliderColor: '#0b3c79',
bufferGradient: 'none',
tooltipColor: '#C9C9C9',
volumeSliderGradient: 'none',
backgroundColor: '#e9dc2f',
progressColor: '#001A2D',
progressGradient: 'none',
buttonColor: '#1a27c1',
buttonOverColor: '#FF0000',
bufferColor: '#a5a9d4',
backgroundGradient: 'high',
timeColor: '#FFFFFF',
height: 24,
opacity: 1.0,
playlist: 'false',
stop: 'true'
contextMenu: [
'18andUpStuds Video Player 1.0'