Good day All! I am absolutely thrilled to share these news!
For many paysite owners, drive upgrades are the tedious facts of life. Often these require full server upgrades and quite a bit of management, not to mention associated downtime and the requirement to constantly check on the amount of storage remaining. Now there’s a way to forever forget about those. ElevatedX supports fully elastic S3-compatible MojoCloud Object Storage, and of course we’ve got a great deal to go with it!
MojoHost and Elevated X have partnered on a new “MojoCloud” bundle for Elevated X clients that includes cloud storage and premium content delivery network (CDN) service.
Now Elevated X customers who decide to make this transition will be able to run one fast server for scripts and encoding, and as for the content - they’ll pay only for the storage and data they use. And, most importantly, they’ll never run out of storage space, never need hard drive upgrades and their website visitors will enjoy faster video playback and content download speeds, resulting in increased satisfaction. Website owners can also use MojoCloud Object Storage only, if they are using another CDN provider already.
Reach out today via [email protected] and get an assessment of costs and benefits, to decide whether cloud is the right way to go for your business.