How do you know when to drop a sponsor?
I always thought the content was great. Good promo content, fanatastic banners, but the conversion rate…
How do you know when to drop a sponsor?
I always thought the content was great. Good promo content, fanatastic banners, but the conversion rate…
Re: Drop a sponsor?
1:6000 is certainly not good. But is that for only one day? What’s the ratio over a week or month or even longer?
Re: Drop a sponsor?
Its time to drop that sponsor. I’ve started to do the same. There is no longer any point to promote sponsors with such bad ratios, why should you?
If a sponsor has a ratio like that, then there must be something wrong either with their links, setup or the tour.
Re: Drop a sponsor?
Well the sponsor I made a thread about with terrible ratios is 1 in 900 or this period. Things are tough at the moment. Im going to give them some time and see how it averages out over the next few months.
Not saying thats what you should do Anthony. Just putting out there.
Have they ever done better? How long have you been pushing them? Do other people do well with them? If the ratio has always been that poor, even before the credit crunch, Id drop them. If not Id talk to their rep first. If other people do much better with them, then it might be how your selling them, in which case your rep can help you make money with them.
Re: Drop a sponsor?
I usually check sales within the last 10k hits I sent to a sponsor if it once did better. If there’s a bad ratio like that and it got worse month after month I would drop him for sure. I usually check their sites and have a look if they changed their tours or use different kinds of content now and things like that.
If they don’t they are maybe over-exposed and don’t sell anymore.
If you have sponsors that are doing way better (I’m sure you have ) then you’re loosing money for each hit you send them.
Re: Drop a sponsor?
I think that more than the signup ratio is important to check the unique visit/$ ratio to decide to drop a sponsor. As an affiliate I’m promoting some sites with a “bad” ratio (around 1:3000) but a decent unique/$ ratio (around 0,02$) thanks to the rebills so I decided not to drop it.
Re: Drop a sponsor?
do you have to drop it? can you just not actively promote it?
if it is a link sitting on your site that requires no additional effort, is there an upside to deleting it?
Re: Drop a sponsor?
I mean… yeah… if the conversion ratio sucks for you it’s obvious that your traffic isn’t looking for what they’re selling.
The frustration that I’m personally having right now is that our new site in converting amazingly for the people actively promoting it but since everyone’s got their roster, it’s hard to get myself on it… even with the people promoting my other two established sites.
Re: Drop a sponsor?
They should Jasun, Cock Sure Men converts nicely!
Re: Drop a sponsor?
I guess I’ll just have to wait for the cream to rise to the top.
And by “top” I mean “me.”
Just so we’re clear on that.
Re: Drop a sponsor?
I think that news like this doesn’t help sales much either.
Consumers, including porn consumers, are going to have to decide on what they want and what they need. I think more and more surfers are going to be putting in time looking for free porn since they already are paying for a broadband connection…why not?