Does StagHomme have a virus?

Yesterday I was doing a post on my blog for a scene at StagHomme, and when I went to test my Gunzblazing link embedded at various points in the text, my antivirus program stopped me from reaching StagHomme, saying there was a virus. I tried it twice more, and it continued to happen. I haven’t tried it again today because I want some assurance that it’s safe. Needless to say, I didn’t publish the post, but I’m also concerned about the two or three other posts already on my blog with that same link.

I wrote to my affiliate rep at Gunzblazing last night, but I haven’t heard anything back. Given the potential seriousness of the issue, I thought I’d better warn my fellow bloggers who promote StagHomme to be wary for the time being.

Re: Does StagHomme have a virus?

Be interesting to hear what your rep says, and if they don’t answer, there are a few Gunsblazing reps on this board, maybe PM them if you don’t get any responses

Re: Does StagHomme have a virus?

Why is this posted in the blogs section?

Re: Does StagHomme have a virus?

Because that is where the poster put it. but it should be in the main forum, so now it is here

Re: Does StagHomme have a virus?

Sorry I put it in blogs because I just wanted to affiliates to be cautious about linking to the site. I wasn’t sure webmasters for other sites would care.

Still haven’t heard from the rep.

Re: Does StagHomme have a virus?

And thanks for pointing out that some are here. I will PM one if I don’t hear soon. The rep I’m talking about, I also wrote to him at Facebook, where we’re friends, but I haven’t heard back there either.

Re: Does StagHomme have a virus?

Hey Everyone,

If anyone else is experiencing the same time of issue, just let me know. Sometimes it might take a little while to get back to you because our system admins are down under, but I will respond.


[QUOTE=RobRushmore;92128]Yesterday I was doing a post on my blog for a scene at StagHomme, and when I went to test my Gunzblazing link embedded at various points in the text, my antivirus program stopped me from reaching StagHomme, saying there was a virus. I tried it twice more, and it continued to happen. I haven’t tried it again today because I want some assurance that it’s safe. Needless to say, I didn’t publish the post, but I’m also concerned about the two or three other posts already on my blog with that same link.

I wrote to my affiliate rep at Gunzblazing last night, but I haven’t heard anything back. Given the potential seriousness of the issue, I thought I’d better warn my fellow bloggers who promote StagHomme to be wary for the time being.[/QUOTE]

Re: Does StagHomme have a virus?

I am getting this warning: Exploit Blackhole Exploit Kit (type 1397)

Check for an include at the end of your page right before </body> and for strange code right before the </head> tag.

Re: Does StagHomme have a virus?

Yes, that’s what I saw, too. I couldn’t remember what it was called when I was talking to Matt, so I just left him a vm to tell him to come here when he has a chance. But their system admin guys are definitely looking into it.

Re: Does StagHomme have a virus?

Hi Everyone - a heads up. We’re looking into this now. We’re working with multiple people and in varying time zones so please bear with us until we get to the bottom of it.

Re: Does StagHomme have a virus?

Virus removed. Wordpress users should read this:

Sorry for any anxiety this has caused.


Re: Does StagHomme have a virus?

Seems that the malicious code has resurfaced - via testing my link April 22nd, 5:50 EDT

Re: Does StagHomme have a virus?

Seems that the malicious code has resurfaced - via testing my link

Ditto for me, April 23rd, 2:27pm PDT

Re: Does StagHomme have a virus?

Has anyone heard if that’s been corrected yet?

Re: Does StagHomme have a virus?

Has anyone heard if that’s been corrected yet?

I haven’t. I did send an email to the affiliate rep on Saturday, when I came across it. Of course, that was the weekend. Also, he’s in NYC while the programmers who would deal with it are in Australia. I’m sure they’ll fix it again, but it’s a little scary that it’s happened twice. I know that, from now on, I’ll always test my linking code before I spend an hour or more creating a post with that site’s content. I just wish I had thought of that on Saturday and the first time this occurred.

Re: Does StagHomme have a virus?

Just want to note that, to my knowledge this still has not been resolved. On Tuesday (as I write, it’s Friday) I did hear from the affiliate rep and a tech person I wrote to, where they said they would look into it asap. The rep did mention that this time they were having trouble finding any evidence of the virus, and they asked me to check my link again. Which I did, and which still showed a threat being blocked. I haven’t tried again because I’m wary of doing that over and over.

Re: Does StagHomme have a virus?

I have a complete blog post still waiting to be posted… since April 22nd. Via a test today, similar to RobRushmore’s April 29th test, the StagHomme website remains unavailable using AVG virus protection. Is this an issue others are experiencing?

Re: Does StagHomme have a virus?

I have a complete blog post still waiting to be posted… since April 22nd. Via a test today, similar to RobRushmore’s April 29th test, the StagHomme website remains unavailable using AVG virus protection. Is this an issue others are experiencing?

Sorry, I’ve been meaning to add to this thread for a while now. I have heard from Gunzblazing, and it’s a complicated situation. Basically, what they say is that there was a virus, but it has been removed. However, Norton Antivirus still lists Staghomme as having a virus and apparently Gunzblazing has been trying to convince them to take it off that list. I got that feedback from them several weeks ago, and have not heard back since. Just the other day, I checked my link, and again came up with the warning of a virus threat. I too have AVG protection, for what that’s worth. I’ve been meaning to write to my rep again, to ask about this, though it’s frustrating that I have to keep riding them about it. At this point I’m seriously thinking of removing all links to, and posts about, Staghomme, because if any visitor comes acrros a threat warning like that, it makes me look bad.

Re: Does StagHomme have a virus?

Godaddy hosting, and everybody loves them…