Re: does spelling count?
Personally I think spelling is very important, yes a few typo’s are acceptable, But to be honest the times that I am surfing if the grammar and spelling in a site is too bad I simply leave, why? because I would not want to hand over $15-$30 to some moron that cant be fucked to use a spell checker…
If English is not your native language then fair enough, the problem is at it’s worst when you find sites that try to hide the fact, a small few do a very good job of this and others try way too hard and miss the target completely, making the site and text sound more like a scam then anything else, even if the links point to well known sponsors I makes me not want to click.
Another example is our news site, the guy that does most of the articles is French and whilst his English translations or very good (far better than my French I must add) You can still tell that he is French in the grammar, At first I started to correct this, then found that it just did not sound at all right most of the time, so I decided to leave the French flavor in there, rather than try to hide it anymore.
I do admit that my spelling is terrible and without a spell checker there was 5 spelling mistakes in this text alone! lol … But with constant use it does actually teach you how to spell as long as you are paying attention to what it is correcting… I know something is spelt incorrectly by the shape of the word in question rather than the letters it contains some form of dyslexia I have been told…
L33t to me is not something I use very often, but I do find it acceptable in certain cases, like SMS, I mean 3 letters and a number on every key not to mention all the other things that any one key can do drives me nucking futs !
Especially when business men in their thirties are contacting me via e-mail with, “Hey how r u? I rlly wanna stream with u guys. Whut do I hafta do?”
I would read that as being just plain ignorant and having a total lack of respect, in whatever form it was delivered in… The person may not be like that but on a first impression that is how I would view it… sorry.
So in a nutshell if a thick bastard like me can correct the spelling and only use l33t when I cant get the fucking mobile to type what I want it to then there is no excuses for the others rofl