Does having models in halloween costumes, or wearing a red santa hat, add to sales, or is it just a cutesie gimmick, with no real benefit in pushing sales, during those holiday moments?
With all the different holidays around, do you even bother to make note of it, in perhaps your ad copy, even if the sponsor doesn’t provide any " holiday " focused content?
Halloween, New Year’s, yes. Christmas, the two times I’ve ever tried it I found myself laughing uncontrollably at the content, and some christian person got offended. Just like with the sites I promote though I pretty much stick to the holidays I like. July 4th I’d avoid because that’s strictly a US holiday which is only 40-50% of traffic unless you plan to do the same for other major countries…Thanksgiving also is done different times in different places and I can see about two hundred ways trying to do a themed set for it could go off the rails badly.
I use it as cute fluff and filler but the active duty and college dudes 247 christmas specials made same sales for me last year.
Found a guy fucking a pumpkin that I’m planning to post on Halloween this year.