Last nigh Windows did an update to my computer and also upgraded me to Internet Explorer 9.
I’m a WordPerfect guy and use a little program called Lightning that came with the suite. I keep notes and password and stuff in there. This morning I couldn’t open any of those files.
I uninstalled IE 9 and everything seems to be working again.
Even IE was very, very slow to open and load after the upgrade.
Re: Did Internet Explorer 9 Screw Up Your Computer?
[QUOTE=dzinerbear;112427]Last nigh Windows did an update to my computer and also upgraded me to Internet Explorer 9.
I’m a WordPerfect guy and use a little program called Lightning that came with the suite. I keep notes and password and stuff in there. This morning I couldn’t open any of those files.
I uninstalled IE 9 and everything seems to be working again.
Even IE was very, very slow to open and load after the upgrade.[/QUOTE]
Could this also be the cause of your Firefox bookmark problem? It shouldn’t be but ya never know with IE…
I have my system set up to notify me when updates are available rather than letting it do them by itself… This way I can verify what it wants to download and install…
Re: Did Internet Explorer 9 Screw Up Your Computer?
Michael - Sounds like you have been having a lot of web browser problems lately. Are you running a bunch of add ons or other stuff on top of the browsers? They may be mucking up these newer versions. I run IE 9 and the new Firefox, Chrome and Opera. No problems.
Re: Did Internet Explorer 9 Screw Up Your Computer?
My Firefox problem started happening last week before IE updated yesterday, or at least I only started noticing it last week.
I don’t run a lot of add-ons, but I took a look and got rid of about three that I don’t really think I need. I think there are only about three left.
My most recent problem with WordPerfect’s Lightning was caused by the IE update to version 9, the Lightning people confirmed that. Although Ian just told me IE 9 has been out for a while now, so I’m not sure why WordPerfect hasn’t bothered to fix this by now.
Thanks for the suggestions guys.
Re: Did Internet Explorer 9 Screw Up Your Computer?
I was forced up to IE 9 last week and it has been a big hassle. I am now using chrome as my main browser i like it more or less, just dont like that there is not a down arrow on the left to get to recent sites like every other browser has, but other than that i like it a lot hate Firefox loved IE8 i am going to see if I can get it back, also turned off auto updates, now just notifications, after that shit happend while I was sleeping.
Re: Did Internet Explorer 9 Screw Up Your Computer?
There is a way to go back to IE 8. I can’t find the page I went to because I can’t find “history” in IE. But anyway, I found the link on the “you’ve been upgraded to IE 9” page.
Re: Did Internet Explorer 9 Screw Up Your Computer?
[quote=mountequinox;112438]i have my system set up to notify me when updates are available rather than letting it do them by itself… This way i can verify what it wants to download and install…
Re: Did Internet Explorer 9 Screw Up Your Computer?
Click the back arrow on the left for a second and you will get to see your history.
Also, on the default Chrome homepage, there are links to “most visited sites” and “recently closed sites” at the bottom.
Re: Did Internet Explorer 9 Screw Up Your Computer?
[QUOTE=pocoloco;112457]Click the back arrow on the left for a second and you will get to see your history.
Also, on the default Chrome homepage, there are links to “most visited sites” and “recently closed sites” at the bottom.[/QUOTE]
Thanx, didn’t know about the back button, did know the home page but I like the down arrow system most have best, but the back arrow works nice
Thanx for the tip! Overall now that I am setting up chrome with lots of new bookmark folders etc I like it a lot, plus there are some nice free plugins 
Re: Did Internet Explorer 9 Screw Up Your Computer?
As webmasters we all desperately want everyone to stop using IE8 and move up to IE9. IE8 breaks HTML5 pages, meanwhile IE9 works with it pretty well.
I’ve been putting some pages of friskyfans in HTML5 - and I still cannot get those stupid javescript/CSS “workarounds” for IE8 to work so that my lovely pages are properly displayed. I know you can eventually do it.
Re: Did Internet Explorer 9 Screw Up Your Computer?
We just noticed that our photo viewing (“Lightbox”) thing-a-ma-jigger isn’t working in IE9 either. Photos just open up on a page, rather than that float-over box.
Gawd… Microsoft, in all their infinite wisdom.
Re: Did Internet Explorer 9 Screw Up Your Computer?
[QUOTE=SpunkWorthy;112545]We just noticed that our photo viewing (“Lightbox”) thing-a-ma-jigger isn’t working in IE9 either. Photos just open up on a page, rather than that float-over box.
Gawd… Microsoft, in all their infinite wisdom.[/QUOTE]
Have you tried the “compatibility view” option?
I know I’ve used a photo enlarging script in the past on a few sites I’ve designed and now with IE9, the pictures won’t enlarge unless they have IE9 in compatibility view.