Re: Cybersocket vs JUB vs TrafficJunky, etc.
[QUOTE=gaydemon;112474]Good point, but that really is down to good branding and a excellent easy name to remember. In your case and probably in my own with GayDemon, it’s more about the brand and name than what type of advertising. They remember Badpuppy because of the name, not because of the advert or?
That would simply not work with for example,… or whatever site names people are forced to use now days.
Oh and may I commend you on doing a bloody good job with the branding! Very admirable. (didn’t know you been working on that all this time!)[/QUOTE]
You’re absolutely right Bjorn. When you go beyond 3 or 4 words in a url, it’s far more difficult to brand that site, especially in means other than online. I think people remember the badpuppy name, due to not just the name, but our logo, which makes it stick in their heads.
Thank you for your very kind words Bjorn, they mean a great deal to me. You’ve made my day! I’ve done my very best at getting our name out there in every media that would accept it, even in Radio advertising for awhile. Radio is much like print, it’s the consistent crafty ads, multiple times a day, every day for at least a monthly run or more, to gauge some sort of response. It was determined that the Radio advertising did not do as well as we’d hoped. In my many years in speaking on seminar panels since 1998, it’s the panels about branding and means for good brand name recognition that I’ve enjoyed the most and feel that I’ve been the most helpful to those attending, in particularly the newer companies or webmasters.
Yes, I’ve been doing this for what seems like forever. Thus the reason that several of my long time friends, who are also business associates, lovingly nick named me Grandma Porn, so maybe that should be Grandpa Porn, since I seem to have become a Gay man in a womanâs body and have totally learned to think like a Gay man.!