CarnalCash - Weird Statistics

Is it me, or are your CarnalCash stats so weird as well? My Join to Raw Hits ratio is like 4 times higher, how is that even possible? :smiley:

Also, unrelated to Carnal, I am getting basically on a weekly basis a message on DarkHall that “There was an error with natcode in one of your links.”

Then it says: “The page that the invalid code was found was on: /track/csaff964.” but that is always different… /track/kaijack., /track/frenchpatrick2.,

I checked my links and I use only the ones genereted by NATS, so… anyone knows what this is about (and how to fix it)?

Not sure it helps, have you tried using the encoded links instead?I always use those instead of the plain ones. I’ve never seen that error myself.

I am using the encoded links… :no_mouth:

Firedog, I often get those weird NATS warnings from Pinstripecash and Darkhall. Curiously, the domains that appear after /track/ in those links are not mine. So I think it’s some kind of bug in NATS. I just ignore those emails.

I also use only encoded NATS links, but I also use the jump script (Pretty Links plugin) on my blogs, so whether I use regular or encoded NATS links is kinda irrelevant.

Speaking of Carnalcash, since they’ve dumped Paxum and now use MassPay as their payment method, how does that thing work? From what I could read on the internet, you don’t need to open an account with Masspay, but as soon as someone sends you a payment with your email address, your Masspay account is created with that email address. Is that true? Also, how can money from there be withdrawn? Do they offer wire transfers or withdrawing money onto a Visa or Mastercard?

Hey all

First of all thanks for the support and heads up on what you’re seeing. I did share with the dev team. I get similar messages myself, not being a dev myself I have to wait for them to investigate.


Hey Ben, thanks for the info. I’m getting that error for some time now, but I couldn’t trace it back to myself, so if you have the issues, that makes it “okay” I guess.

As of MassPay, I have no idea… I haven’t got paid by Carnal yet, so perhaps somebody else will be able to tell you more.

Hello ,

Please contact us with your affiliate information. I have already contacted NATS about this issue, they are saying this shouldn’t say ‘there is an error’, but that it should say something along the lines of ‘odd data received’ - they were saying possibly third party software issue etc

Thanks for the heads up,

Darkhall Richard