Building a Tube Site

Well not a real one, a fake tube site using sponsor content.

In a way, its a chance to use Wordpress and stick it to the real tube sites.

You should have your own host, domain that is specific would be nice, but not needed. What you will need is the ‘premium theme’ which you can GET HERE.

Yes it is a bit pricey for cheap folks like me, but well worth the price. Yes, the link has a referral code in it, it is Bec’s as she is the one running the ‘how to do this’ part of setting it all up.

It is a step by step tutorial, on how to set the theme up, to add the videos, and everything else. In short, some real hand holding by a great lady, who knows her stuff.

So if you are interested, looking for another great new project, that can make you some good revenue, COME VISIT THE BLOGGING FORUM & JOIN IN.

Re: Building a Tube Site

Sounds interesting, and the themes are stunning. But isnt there a load problem with using wordpress? I guess a tube script is just another type of CMS just like wordpress.

Re: Building a Tube Site

Think we are going to find out… should be fun

Re: Building a Tube Site

Technically, if someone wants to give a sponsor enough administration priviliges and a quick tutorial on how to do the post, you could have a “real” tube site with legal content with this method. However for my purposes, I wanted a tube looking site, using legal hosted sponsor videos, that doesn’t allow surfer uploads.

Re: Building a Tube Site

I am excited about this project :slight_smile:

Re: Building a Tube Site

sound great!

i’ve often wondered if wordpress could be made to work for a tube site.

what other software is there to manage tube sites?

Re: Building a Tube Site

Google for tube site scripts :slight_smile:

Re: Building a Tube Site

If you have been putting this off, now might just be the time to get in on this project. It is an excellent chance to basically get your own tube site running, with LEGAL content, and given how popular tubes are, this could be a real winner, if you get in now.

I have gotten a new domain just for this, the theme, and I have to be honest, I am loving it. It really should be a good money maker. So come on over to the Blogging Forum for all the details and get building.

Some available domains are listed HERE

You can grab the THEME HERE. (It is worth every penny, and I am the cheapest sob around.)

Re: Building a Tube Site

I have looked at press 75 themes a few times very nice