Bloggers in the LGBTQ+ community have become increasingly popular in recent years, with many individuals turning to blogging as a means of expressing themselves and connecting with like-minded people. In particular, gay adult bloggers have created a space where they can freely share their thoughts, experiences, and interests, while also providing a platform for others to do the same. If you’re interested in joining this vibrant community and starting your own gay adult blog, here are some tips and advice to get you started.
Thanks for posting. I’ve added your blog to my link list here: Gay Porn Sites: Links & Web Directory - GayDemon
Was that written by ai? The use of words gay adult bloggers screams AI
probably lol
Thanks for the head-up! What do you suggest it should sound like?
I don’t know what it should sound like. Your the one giving the tips. No one wants to read AI. I’ve never seen AI used on an introductory blogpost
good to know.Thanks
Funny, when I go to the blog posted in your GayDemon profile, Norton blocks a number of threats.
I’m not sure that inventing descriptions for content that is completely fictitious is such a great idea. Increasing engagement by inventing some “high school” based scenario to add to the reality (as in your description of one of our scenes) is at best misleading.
Sorry for the late response to this…will work and fix the issue.
Thank you.
Point noted…and will resolve the issue
The “high school” Story wasn’t intentional either. Will try to stick to the context of scene description.
FSecure won’t even let me go that far. Totally blocked with a huge warning about it being a suspicious site. I also got a secure connection warning.