Black Friday Special Sale Event Make Up To 71.00 Per Join!

Not advertising this to the masses but wanted to give GayDemon members a heads up on our insane promotion for Broke Straight Boys. Our Black Friday special can make you up to 71.00 per sale. We pay 80% on the first initial sale so if a member joins for a year at only 99.00 you make 71.00 on that sale. You will also make 80% from the initial sale on the monthly membership which is the lowest price of the year at 9.95. We aren’t making much of anything on this yearly join option as you can imagine. That is why we aren’t advertising it to everyone. Users that join can also get College Dudes free for 30 days. Get in while you can by sending an email to chuck(at) to get links for this special limited program. We also have a zip of promo tools available.

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Thanks for the offer!

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Nice one! Mark we should really do some MA / Email trades. We’re going to hit you up next week. :wink:

Nice offer Mark!

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