Right Guys, Up to now I have been downloading or embedding content usually placed in a embed or download folders.
I have just come across a program that ONLY has RSS and media dumps!
Now I have come across these in other programs but HOW THE HELL DO I USE THEM! Have been looking through google for last 3 hours not to look dull on here but i give in?
Can you get them to auto post onto a blog or is it some form of old method thats now obsolete?
Please save my head and the wall! :help:
Re: Banging Head on Wall! - RSS & Dumps
If I have understood your need properly then I think you’re looking for a plugin for your blog platform (Wordpress?). Something like AutoBlogged.
Others on here may know of other and better plugins, as I don’t use Wordpress.
Re: Banging Head on Wall! - RSS & Dumps
Sidenote: think a bit more whether you really want something like this though. It will be publishing duplicate content on your blog and that won’t be a good thing for search engine traffic. The benefits of having unique content will usually outweigh the benefits of including a particular sponsor. If they only have RSS feeds and not the raw materials, then they might not be that good in the first place.
Re: Banging Head on Wall! - RSS & Dumps
[QUOTE=Totallygay;134232]Right Guys, Up to now I have been downloading or embedding content usually placed in a embed or download folders.
I have just come across a program that ONLY has RSS and media dumps!
Now I have come across these in other programs but HOW THE HELL DO I USE THEM! Have been looking through google for last 3 hours not to look dull on here but i give in?
Can you get them to auto post onto a blog or is it some form of old method thats now obsolete?
Please save my head and the wall! :help:[/QUOTE]
Really not clear on what you are asking. Don’t really know of any programs that only offer RSS feeds, can you tell us which one? If you are looking to add rss feed content to your blog, I am going to suggest you NOT do it.
Original content is what works, in my opinion, and RSS feeds are what every other blog has, that uses them. So using them won’t set you apart from the rest, and that really is what you should be doing. Trying to set yourself apart from everyone else, and hopefully that will attract viewers who will stick around and buy what you are selling.
If you do want to go the RSS feed route for your blog, there are lots of plugin that will do it for you, you just need to go to the Wordpress Plugin Repository and do a search for plugins, that meet that tag, RSS Feeds, and read up on the plugin then download and activate it.
Re: Banging Head on Wall! - RSS & Dumps
I think he wants to know how to get the RSS feed to publish on his blog.
Personally, I’d stay away from them. They sound like a great way to add content to your blog, but really it’s content you have no control over and will it be of any good quality.
Re: Banging Head on Wall! - RSS & Dumps
Hey all!
I am going to ditch the program to be honest, one of their sites had content i felt fitted my sites content but I cant be going through the hassle and like you have said I loose control of the posts I woud get from them (as i think you would have to publish all automatically rather than select posts!)
the affiliate program was diamondgays.com
thanks for the advice tho everyone!

Re: Banging Head on Wall! - RSS & Dumps
Well I think they have a rep on this board, why not PM him and ask if they also provide download content, that you can then use to make original posts with?
Re: Banging Head on Wall! - RSS & Dumps
to feed blogs and tubes, mostly tubes.