I’m looking to move to a new host. For my LAMP stuff I think I’ll go with NatNet, but I need a Windows server in the NorthEast (for low latency to NYC/Philly). Fast Serv seems to be an option - they’re outside DC. I crossed Web Air off my list based on some comments here, just wondering if anyone had experience with Fast Serv. Or if you can recommend a host that will do a managed Windows box that’s located between DC and maybe as far as Montréal - let me know.
Re: Anyone have experience with Fast Serv for hosting?
Sorry, never heard for them before.
Re: Anyone have experience with Fast Serv for hosting?
Never heard of them; but keep WebAir crossed off your list.
Re: Anyone have experience with Fast Serv for hosting?
BTW, I just added another one to my list - Steadfast Networks… They’re mostly in Chicago, but have a data center in NYC.
Ping tests from Philly (where my mainstream client is) to Fast Serv outside DC were significantly better than to our current host in NJ (outside NYC) despite it being a longer distance to Fast Serv.
So far I can’t really find anyone saying anything negative about Fast Serv… I’m thinking they’re small, but good. The recommendation came from someone who also recommended Voxel. Voxel seems to be the best host in NYC, but they don’t do managed Windows servers…
I hate picking a host - it’s such a crap shoot…