Hey everyone,
I’m still new to this and found a loop hole that i cannot seem to find a solution for. Hopefully someone knows the answer to this.
I’m charging people to download scenes and i have a membership site.
I’m trying to add mp4 files to the membership site so smartphone users can view them on their mobile devices. While doing that I noticed that the user can go on their desktop and download the mp4 files. Since i’m charging on the store section for download to own scenes, that’s an issue of sabotaging sales.
One solution i thought could work was embedding the video within a template page just like flash is already on my site…
was hoping some can offer advice. thanks
I understand that flash can be stolen as well…but it’s different when there’s a link to mp4 that doesn’t take any effort to save as.
Re: Any suggestions to iphone formats being downloaded through desktop
You can use a Flash file to stream an mp4…but most any browser can extract the original mp4 from Flash (and of course anyone on iPhone can’t view Flash). Yes, mp4 is even easier with a Win version of wget. My 2c is that you’re likely going to spend 10x the effort it’s worth to try and block it. If you want the best player I recommend Longtailvideo/JWPlayer btw as it now goes to <video></video> tags for iPhones. But trying to stop someone from ripping the videos in any case is pretty fruitless unless you want to go to all the fun of a PHP-frontend to push the file to the end user or something like that…which will slam your server.
Re: Any suggestions to iphone formats being downloaded through desktop
Not sure I understand correctly. So the member has to pay to get to those scenes regardless correct? There’s really not much you can do. I mean if you only want those mp4s to be viewed on a phone and not be able to download you could embed them with html5 which will work on smartphones, longtail has a html 5 player that would work. However a smart user could still rip those videos if they saw the xml config file for it. HOWEVER you could limit how the page is accessed in your html/php for that page. e.g. you would set it to only be able to be viewed by a phone or ipad. just a thought.
Re: Any suggestions to iphone formats being downloaded through desktop
one way to address this would be to re-package your subscriptions as web+mobile… so removing this ‘loop hole’ entirely… one common membership across all forms of accessing content…