Affiliates & Flash EOL

Sorry about my absence over the years but mainstream life and work got in the way. Having said that I still managed to keep a few sites together and have recently started dipping my toes into the water again.

I have had to start looking at old content and re doing it. I used to find flash a very useful tool and many affiliates had hosted content in the flash format or flash banners.

What are the alternatives? (mp4, animated gifs) What are your affiliates using?

Is wordpress still the preferred CMS ? I still use it along with an old copy of dreamweaver (am I showing my age now?)

Flash is pointless now, it’s no longer supported by browsers and simply doesn’t play for many. You can just use MP4 instead which is now the most common format together with a player.

Dreamweaver? Not used it myself for 15 years or so, so yes you’re showing your age! :wink:

Wordpress is probably the most common CMS and if you use that together with a theme you won’t need dreamweaver or any coding.